| IFU327EN00 - 01/2021
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CSO Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici srl.
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Analysis of the tear film
The Placido's disk allows the advanced analysis of the tear film and the
evaluation of the NI-BUT (Non-Invasive Break-up Time).
has a white light source which aids with the capturing of colour
images or videos and a cobalt blue light source for the analysis of
corneal surface, fluorescein staining and rigid contact lenses fitting.
The accessory yellow filter, which is attached to the device
magnetically, enhances the visualization of the image when stained
with fluorescein.
The accessory negative lens supplied with the device increases the
magnification of the visual field allowing for the analysis of tear
meniscus height and conjunctival or limbar hyperemia.
The accessory diffuser filter supplied with the device, which is attached
to the Placido disk magnetically, allows for the analysis of the lipid
layer interference pattern.
Corneal aberrometry
The device allows for the analysis of the corneal aberrometry. It is
possible to select the anterior, posterior or total corneal contribution
for different diameters of the pupil. The OPD/WFE map and the visual
simulations (PSF, MTF and image convolution) can help understanding
and explaining the patient’s visual discomfort.
IOL calculation module
It is available an IOL calculation module based on Ray-Tracing
techniques which, regardless of the clinical status of the cornea,
provides the values of the spherical and toric power of the intraocular
lens. This allows the planning of the surgery for refractive defects by
means of intraocular lens implants.