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CSO Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici srl.
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The device is an accessory for the slit lamp, composed of a light
source, which does not require the application of any substance on the
surface eye. The substance would adulterate the tear film composition
and the exam wouldn't be reliable.
The light source of the device is composed by a white LED light that
replaces the Slit Lamp illuminator. The light source of white light
prevents excessive tearing or evaporation of the tear film. Through the
Slit Lamp microscope the image projected by the device, reflected on
the patient's eye tear film is observed by the microscope.
The device can be perfectly integrated with the application software
Lipid film quality and quantity
The device enables interferometric examination of the lipid layer of
the tear film.
Depending on the thickness and regularity of the lipid layer, this may
appear like any of the following: amorphous structure, marble
appearance, wavy appearance, yellow, brown, blue or reddish
interference fringes. The following picture shows an example of
interferometric images.