Home Sw. Safety
Homing mode. If checked, will prevent motion of an axis during homing if the home
switch is already active. This is useful to prevent mechanical damage on a machine that
shares limit switches at both ends of an axis with Home. When this mode is turned off
the homing process is less restrictive. It allows for e.g. homing start when the axis is on
HOME switch off. While homing also LIMIT signals are not taken into account.
With this option selected safe homing is made, LIMITs are all the time taken into
Look Ahead
Mach3 makes dynamic trajectory analysis in advance, to adjust motion speed in every
trajectory place. In the „Look Ahead” area, you can enter number of G-Code lines, which
should be analyzed in advance. Usually entering 500 here is enough for the motion
smoothness even while making dynamic and fast programs.
Run Macro Pump
When this option is selected in the catalogue with VisualBasic scripts you can create a
file macropump.m1s, it contains macro, which will be called out cyclically several times
per second. If checked, MACH3 will on startup look for the file
in the
macro folder for the current profile and will run it every 200 milliseconds.
Home slave with
master axis
The intention of Mach’s creators is an option, which switch on/off slave axis and master
axis homing. In the CSMIO/IP-M slave axis support is not available – it is available in
more professional control system – CSMIO/IP-S.
G04 Dwell in ms
With this option selected the delay for G04 is count in milliseconds. It is useful when you
need precise delay e.g. in plasma cutters.
Use watchdogs
Do not use – this function should theoretically „watch” various modules of the program
and in case switch the emergency STOP. In practice, it does not work properly and may
cause problems. In the CSMIO/IP-S software, there are special algorithms, which
autonomously monitor the system.
CV Control
Parameters for the mode of working with constant speed – Constant Velocity. It is rather
for advanced users. In case of any doubts, it is better to uncheck all boxes in that group.
Parameters in this group relate to the angular axes (rotary). „Rot 360 rollover” decides if
there should be rollover after crossing 360 degrees. „Rotational soft limit” parameter
decides if for the rotary axes should be soft limit switches taken into account.
Enhanced pulsing
This parameter improves generation of STEP signal in the LPT controlling. Not used with
the CSMIO/IP-M controller.
Screen control
Selection in this group of parameters „Hi-Res screens” and „Auto screen enlarge” causes
enlarging of the Mach screen to fit its size to the screen resolution.
C S - L a b s . c . – C N C C S M I O / I P - M c o n t r o l l e r
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