Selection of inch/mm units
Selection of the units by which the axes in „Motor Tuning” are scaled is set in the
„Config/Select Native Units” menu position. Select the unit in the window and close
Parameters in the General Config window.
In the „Config/General Config” menu, you find basic configuration parameters for Mach3. Many of them do
not need any modifications, but some of them need to be changed. In the picture below, you can see the
table with the most important (in our opinion) parameters and a short description of each one.
Tool Change
Configuration of the automatic tool changer. An important issue: even if we do not have
an automatic tool changer but we use the tool measurement sensor - the Auto Tool
Changer should be selected. Otherwise, the Mach3 program will not take into account
the tool length.
Angular Properties
Checking the box, we select, if A, B, or C axis works as angular. Unchecked box means
that the axis works as linear.
Pgm end or M30 or
It means behavior at the end of the program, M30 or REWIND command.
Motion Mode
Motion mode selection: Constant Velocity or Exact Stop. The Exact Stop mode may be
more precise in some cases but much slower. Constant Velocity mode is used in 99% of
IJ Mode
Data format for circular interpolation. After loading the trajectory, generated with CAM
program, if there are problems with circular interpolation (large circles in the 3D
preview), you can try to switch to the „Absolute” and then G-Code again.
Active Plane of
The default plane for circular interpolation G2/G3. Usually X-Y.
Jog increments In
cycle mode
The default step size.
C S - L a b s . c . – C N C C S M I O / I P - M c o n t r o l l e r
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