Crystal Vision
Appendix 1
Audio Group 1-4 Present
On when audio groups 1-4 are
embedded into the video output.
Status (3GS and
The board status is shown using a mixture of simulated LEDs
and text information. As a general rule a green LED shows a
good condition such as input present. An amber LED will give
a warning as with video black or video frozen. If a LED turns
red this is a fault condition. A greyed LED will indicate an
absence such as non-alarm or non-warning status.
Vid Status
Input Present
On when video input present.
Input Standard
Shows input video standard e.g.
1080p 50.
Input Black
On when input video is black level.
Input Frozen
On when input video is frozen.
Reference Present
On when reference present.
Reference Standard
Shows reference standard e.g. 1080p
Incompatible ref
On when video refererence is
incompatible with input standard.
Output Locked To
Displays genlock source i.e Input,
Reference or Freerun if no valid input
or reference input.
Group1-4 Present
On when audio groups 1-4 are
embedded into the video output.
ViViD 3G User Manual R1.4
19 January 2021