Crystal Vision
Smart Switch 3G User Manual R1.10
The Control menu is used to set the video signal routing, switching criteria and audio monitor.
There is also a factory reset button which will return all user adjustable settings to their factory
default condition.
Smart Switch 3G Control menu
Routing control
The 2 x 2 Router Control provides manual adjustment to the input/output assignment. The
Take button confirms any change made to the routing. The routing to output 2 can be set to
follow output 1 by selecting the Follow output 1 check box. If the routing is changed using an
external method (e.g. GPI), the Router Control shows the last routing request made from
Statesman in dark red.
Audio group monitor selector
The audio group to be monitored for silence is set by checking the selected radio button. The
presence of an audio group within the input video is indicated by simulated LEDs. Both inputs
have individual group present LEDs although the silence detectors are common to the same
group within both inputs.
Switch controls
The switching mode is configured by adding a check mark to the appropriate switch panel
radio button.
In Immediate mode Smart Switch 3G will act immediately on any error conditions that meet
the switching criteria set up in the Alarms menu. An immediate switch will likely cause a
picture disturbance as it will be an untimed crash switch. This would normally result from a
loss of timing from say a loss of input.
Other selections are Field and Frame. Selecting either of these under non-catastrophic error
conditions will allow the Smart Switch 3G to switch away from the main input in a more tidy
manner, assuming the two inputs are co-timed.
Once Smart Switch 3G has switched away from the faulty input, setting the switch back to
Immediate mode will allow it to return once the error has disappeared for a minimum of one
frame. In certain circumstances this could result in the output flip-flopping between the main