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IQ-PIP-USP2/CN Reference Manual
1 Welcome
grammable Input Processor) input
module for
ible amplifiers.* It connects the am-
plifier to the IQ Bus of an
IQ Sys-
, allowing the amplifier to be
controlled and monitored via IQ, and
CobraNet™ connectivity for
digital audio networking.
is an IQ2™-
series component. This means it sup-
ports IQ UCODE protocol and re-
quires an IQ System with an IQ2-
compatible IQ interface. UCODE
(universal code) enables users and
third parties to develop custom soft-
ware objects to control and monitor
IQ2-compatible components like the
The IQ-PIP-USP2/CN utilizes the lat-
est advancements in DSP technol-
ogy to provide state-of-the-art fea-
tures and performance. Similar to
the the IQ-PIP-USP2, it offers a vari-
ety of programmable functions in-
Figure 1.1 IQ-PIP-USP2/CN Front Panel
cluding crossovers, equalizers, sig-
nal delay, input compressors, multi-
mode (peak, average, clip) output
limiters and load supervision. The
familiar IQ-AUX port has been en-
hanced and the “Listen-Bus” fea-
ture is now available via CobraNet.
A full 24-bit signal path is main-
tained by using state-of-the-art 24-
bit Digital-to-Analog Converters,
along with the audio-industry stan-
dard Motorola 56000 series 24/48-
bit DSP.
The IQ-PIP-USP2/CN is powered by
the amplifier, and all unit param-
eters are stored in non-volatile Flash
memory for reliable system back-
up. Ten presets are available for
quick and easy unit configuration
changes. Each IQ-PIP-USP2/CN in-
cludes an IQ address switch allow-
ing the unit to have a unique ad-
dress on the IQ Bus.
This manual will help you success-
fully install your unit. We strongly
recommend you read all the instruc-
tions, warnings and cautions con-
tained within. Also, for your protec-
tion, please send in the warranty
registration card today and save
the bill of sale since it is your official
proof of purchase.
* You must have a PIP2-compatible
amplifier to use the IQ-PIP-USP2/CN.
To determine if your amplifier is
PIP2-compatible, look for the
logo on the back of the amplifier. The
IQ-PIP-USP2/CN is NOT compatible
with older Crown PIP amplifiers.