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IQ-PIP-USP2/CN Reference Manual
7.13 Output Trim Controls
An output trim control is provided for
each channel to adjust the output
gain after processing, allowing for
“make-up” gain to compensate for
losses due to crossovers, etc. Range
is +12 dB to –80 dB in ½-dB steps.
7.14 Polarity Inverter
The polarity of the input signal of
each channel can be independently
7.15 Tie Switch
The Tie switch connects all active
compressors and limiters together
so that any limiting/compression af-
fects the signal on both channels,
such as would typically be desired
when processing stereo signals.
7.16 “Ghost Faders”
These indicators let you monitor the
signal path gain where it may differ
from manual gain set on input at-
tenuation and output trim as the re-
sult of limiting or compression. They
appear as flying faders “behind” the
input attenuators in IQ for Windows.