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IQ-PIP-USP2/CN Reference Manual
* 1:1 is the same as “off.”
signal level. Each attenuator has a
range from 0 dB to –80 dB in ½ dB
steps. (Zero equals no attenuation.)
7.4 Auto Standby
The Auto Standby feature automati-
cally turns off the high-voltage sup-
plies of the amplifier output when no
audio signal is detected at the input
for a predetermined period of time.
The channels are controlled inde-
pendently. Four parameters control
this feature:
Turns this function on/off.
Input Gate Level:
Sets the level, in
dB, below which the high voltage
supply of an amplifier channel will
be turned off. The range is from +16
dBu to –40 dBu.
Turn-Off Delay:
Sets the time, in
minutes, that the input signal must
remain below the Standby Level be-
fore the channel’s high-voltage sup-
ply is turned off. The range is from 0
to 255 minutes. A setting of 0 (zero)
yields a turn-off delay of approxi-
mately 2 seconds to facilitate setup
of the function.
Power-On Delay:
Enables or dis-
ables the IQ address turn-on delay.
This delay prevents all the amplifi-
ers from turning on at the same
instant and tripping power break-
ers. The turn-on delay is calculated
by: 10 msec x IQ address value. It
may be desirable to disable this
feature so that the first syllable of
speech is not missed in a voice
page application.
7.5 Input Signal
An input signal compressor/limiter
is available for each channel. Five
parameters control this feature:
Turns this function on or off.
Sets the threshold, in
dB, above which the compressor
acts. The level is measured at the
input to the
and corresponds to
the level shown on an input meter.
The compressor is “feed-forward,”
meaning that the level detection point
is located before the gain control
stage. The range is from +16 dBu to
–40 dBu.
Attack Time:
Sets the attack time of
the compressor. The attack time is
defined as the time it takes the com-
pressor to attenuate the input signal
by 10 dB. The range is from 1 milli-
second to 2 seconds.
Release Time:
Sets the release time
of the compressor. The release time
is defined as the time it takes the
compressor to increase the input
gain by 10 dB. The range is 100
milliseconds to 30 seconds.
Compressor Ratio:
Sets the com-
pression ratio for the compressor.
The range is 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,
to 1.*
7.6 Programmable Filters
Each channel can have as many as
eight different cascaded filters (the