Learn how to get the best burn possible from your Crown Royal Stoves.
1. Instructions -
Read and follow all operating instructions supplied by Greentech Manufacturing Inc.
2. Fuels -
Only burn wood, coal and corn which are approved fuels in your Crown Royal Stove. Burning materials
not recommended play a major role in visible emissions. Never burn: trash, plastics, gasoline, rubber, naphtha,
household garbage, materials treated with petroleum products (particle board, railroad ties and pressure treated
wood, leaves, pater products and cardboard.
3. Loading of fuels -
Burning fuels creates visible emissions. In order to complete the combustion process, there
is a minimum amount of space needed. For instance, if a person were to load a relatively small firebox completely
and load a larger firebox with the same amount of fuel, with all of the other factors being the same, the larger
firebox would burn cleaner. In the smaller firebox, the combustion process does not have enough room to
expand, heat up and mix before exiting the firebox (insufficient time, temperature and turbulence). Just because
a firebox is large does not mean that it should be filled completely. This large volume is used in part for what
happens after it is loaded. Fireboxes should be loaded based on outdoor temperatures, and anticipated heat load
required to maintain sufficient levels to ensure the fire doesn’t go out before next fill.
4. Starting -
Always start fire with wood kindling to eliminate unnecessary smoke. Never use gasoline, lighter fluids,
chemicals, or oils.
5. Furnace Sizing
- The size of a furnace should be large enough to provide sufficient heat with out constant
reloading. Targeted burn times are around 12 hours, an adequately sized furnace will provide enough heat for
90% of all heating days. Inadequate size of furnace will lead to unattended fires that leave colder fireboxes and
relighting will be dirtier because the flame quenching on the cool firebox walls. A good rule to follow, is that if the
furnace cannot stay within 20% of it’s set temperature under regular reloading, than the unit is undersized and a
larger furnace is needed.
6. Operation -
Improper combustion air can be associated with several factors. Air inlet and chimney may be
restricted by debris (creosote, ash, etc). Blowers starts and stops properly and runs at proper speed. Door seal is
in satisfactory condition.
7. Maintenance -
Excessive ash buildup in grates and frames can cause combustion fan blockage resulting in
restricting air flow. Excessive creosote build can be a result of restriction air flow from combustion fan, flame
baffle or chimney blockage.
8. Local and State Regulations -
Always remember to comply with all applicable state and local codes.
Do not start fire with chemicals, volatile fluids, rubber, plastics or garbage. Some processed wood
contain resins and should be avoided. Only competent persons with a sound understanding of this heating
method should operate this furnace. Improper firing could result in personal injury and/or damage to unit, and
void warranty.
Do not burn garbage, gasoline, drain oil, naphtha, engine oil, railroad ties, particle board,
leaves, cardboard, or any other flammable liquids.