Table 2.0 Model 3116-T31-148 M&C Commands
xxxxx is a signed number representing the ref. offset value
Returns {aaSOxxxxx} where:
Reference Offset
yyyy = unit firmware rev.
xxxxxxxx = unit model number
returns {aaSVxxxxxxxxyyyy} where:
Model and firmware revision
w = 0 if no summary alarm, w = 1 if summary alarm
x = 0 if unit is using internal 10 MHz ref,
x = 1 if unit is using external reference
y = 0 oven warm-up is off
y = 1 oven warm-up is on
z = 0 mute is off
z = 1 mute is on
Returns {aaSAwxyz} where:
Unit Status
x = 3 if in auto-select mode
x = 3 if band is selected: in = (13.75 to 14.85 GHz)
out = (11.7 to 12.8 GHz)
x = 2 if band is selected: in = (7.90 to 8.40 GHz)
out = (7.25 to 7.75 GHz)
x = 1 if band is selected: in = (5.925 to 6.425 GHz)
out = (3.7 to 4.2 GHz)
Returns {aaSBx} where:
Frequency Band
x = 2 if External 10 MHz reference is selected
x = 1 if Internal 10 MHz reference is selected
Returns {aaSEx} where:
10 MHz reference
Range: (+20 to -40 in 1±1 dB steps)
xxx = 3 characters
Returns {aaSGxxx} where:
Table 2.0: Model 3116-T31-148 M&C Commands (continued)
3116-T31-148 Manual, Rev. C
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