B) M&C Commands -
Table 1.1 lists the status requests for the 3116-7786-2150 and briefly describes them. After a
command is sent the 3116-7786-2150 sends a return “>” indicating the command has been received and
General Command Format - The general command format is {aaCND...}, where:
{ = start byte
aa = Address (RS-485 only)
C = 1 character, either C (command) or S (status)
N = 1 character command or status byte
D = 1 character or more of data (depends on command)
} = stop byte
* PLEASE NOTE: The two character {aa}(00-31) prefix, in the table below,
should be used ONLY when RS-485, (OPTION-Q), is selected.
TABLE 1.1 3116-7786-2150
0 Status
0 Status Requeests
TABLE 1.1 3116-7786-2150 Status Requests
Syntax *
Get Frequency
returns: {aaSFxxxx}
• xxxx = 4 characters standard, 7 characters options x, x1
• xxxx = Frequency in MHz, xxxxxxx = Frequency in kHz
Get Gain
returns {aaSGxxx} where:
• xxx = Converter gain in 0.5 dB steps.
Get Internal 10 MHz Reference Offset
Returns {aaSOxxxxx} where:
• xxxxxx = Internal 10 MHz reference frequency offset.
Get 10 MHz Reference Mode
Returns {aaSEx} where:
• x = 0 if the converter's 10 MHz reference mode is set to Internal
• x = 1 if the converter's 10 MHz reference mode is set to External
• x = 2 if the converter's 10 MHz reference mode is set to Auto
Get Mute
Returns {aaSMx} where:
• x = 0 if the converter's RF output is NOT muted (RF output is ON)
• x = 1 if the converter's RF output is muted (RF output is OFF)
Get 10 MHz Reference Status
Returns {aaSBx} where:
• x = 0 if the currently selected 10 MHz reference is Internal
• x = 1 if the currently selected 10 MHz reference is External
Get IP Address
Returns {Sixxx.xxx.xxx.xxx} where:
(Options W8, W18, W28 only)
• xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx = IP address
Get Subnet Mask
Returns {Ssxxx.xxx.xxx.xxx} where:
(Options W8, W18, W28 only)
• xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx = subnet mask
Get Product/Model info
Returns {Sv3116-xxy..yverZZZZ} where:
• 3116-xx is the product model number
• y..y = list of options, if any
• '"ver" = separates model & options from firmware version
• ZZZZ = firmware version (e.g., 4.00)
Get Alarm Status
Returns {aaSAx}where:
• x = 0 if alarm is off
• x = 1 if alarm is on
Get Output Path
Returns {aaSDx}where:
(option W116)
• x = 0 if selected output path is A.
3116-7786-2150 Manual, Rev. 0
Page 7