2.4.2 AGC voltage relating to Gain - The 1200-05 IF Processor operates over a 0 to -80 dBm input range
on the RX IF side. The Automatic Gain Control (AGC) provides a constant -30 dBm +5, -15 dBm output RX
IF level over the entire input range. Pin 7 of the DB9 control connector, J105, can be monitored to determine
the approximate input level (and corresponding gain) in AGC as Table 2.2 shows.
TABLE 2.2 - Approximate AGC Vooltage
oltage vs Gain and Input Leevel
Input L
AGC Voltage (pin 7, J105)
AGC Gain
Input Level
-0.2 VDC
-14 dB
-10 dBm
-0.5 VDC
-10 dB
-20 dBm
-1.2 VDC
0 dB
-30 dBm
-1.6 VDC
+10 dB
-40 dBm
-1.8 VDC
+20 dB
-50 dBm
-2.0 VDC
+30 dB
-60 dBm
-2.2 VDC
+40 dB
-70 dBm
-2.3 VDC
+47 dB
-80 dBm
-2.4 VDC
+50 dB
-90 dBm
1200-05 Manual, Rev. 0
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