WARNING: NEVER stop the engine with electrical
devices connected and the connected devices turned ‘ON’.
1. Turn off all electrical equipment and disconnect all from
the generator.
2. Allow the generator to run at no load for 3 minutes
to stabilize internal temperatures of the engine and
generating set.
3. ELECTRIC START - Switch the ignition switch to the
‘OFF’ position.
4. Turn the fuel tap to the ‘OFF’ position
CAUTION: If the engine continues to run even after
the speed lever is moved to the ‘STOP’ position, turn the
fuel tap to the ‘OFF’ position to stop the engine. DO NOT
stop the engine with the decompression lever.
NOTICE: Do not run generator for extended periods
with no load or minimal load (e.g. when charging
batteries or powering low wattage equipment such as TVs
and Radios). This may cause premature excessive carbon
build up or high oil consumption. To prevent this, run the
generator periodically with an increased load.
1. Start the engine and make sure the pilot lamp turns on.
If it doesn’t, the filament may be damaged.
2. The speed of the generator must reach rated speed
(lever set to the ‘ON’) before applying load.
3. The generators speed has been factory set at 3000rpm
Pg. 18
Cromtech Diesel 6000W Generator Manual April 2020.indd 18
Cromtech Diesel 6000W Generator Manual April 2020.indd 18
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