Crivit 292230 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 5


Reduce the clamping force by turning the lever 
anti-clockwise. Loosen the clamping device 
by half a turn and then try to close the quick 
release. Repeat this procedure until you find the 
maximum clamping force at which the lever can 
still be moved around.

 We recommend carrying out the  

  following step (height adjustment)  

  with 2 people.

Extend the telescopic rod (2) to the desired 
height. By turning the rod you can also change 
the position of the clamped bicycle. As soon 
as you have reached the desired height and 
position, fasten the telescopic rod to the tripod 
with the quick release. Proceed in the same way 
as with the quick release on the tripod joint  
(fig. B). To stabilise the front tyre, clamp the front 
tyre stabiliser (7), that is included in the delivery, 
between the handlebar and the telescopic rod 
(fig. E).

Tool tray

A magnet is located inside the large compart-
ment of the tool tray for securing small parts.

Care, storage

Routinely clean the bicycle assembly stand with 
warm water and pH-neutral soap. Always follow 
with a dry cloth! Avoid harsh chemicals (e.g. 
solvents)! Store the product in a dry and well-
ventilated area.


Dispose of the article and the packaging 
materials in accordance with current local 
regulations. Packaging materials such as 
foil bags are not suitable to be given to 
children. Keep the packaging materials out 
of the reach of children.

Devices that are marked with the 
symbol shown here may not be 
disposed of with domestic waste.

You are obliged to dispose of these kinds 
of used electrical and electronic devices 
separately. Ask your local authority about 
possible methods for regulated disposal. 

Attaching the bicycle 


 After positioning, make sure that  

  the bicycle fits safely and that the  

  assembly stand is stable.

 Please observe the maximum  

  extension lengths of the telescopic  

  rod (2) and the bicycle retainer (1);  

  do not exceed the marking.
• If you attach the bicycle by a vertical 

frame tube (e.g. the seat tube), then 

the maximum load capacity is redu-

ced to 25 kg. 

• Please ensure that the bicycle is at-

tached at the centre of mass. Otherwise 

there is a risk that the bicycle will turn.

• If the centre of mass of the attached 

bicycle changes during work, then 

you need to readjust the bicycle in 

the cycle bracket so that the bicycle is 

attached at its centre of mass again. 

Otherwise the maximum load capaci-

ty is reduced to 25 kg.

Choose the section of the bicycle frame you wish 
to clamp in the retainer of the bicycle assembly 
stand. This section of the frame must be located 
in the bicycle’s centre by all means. Set the an-
gle of the bicycle retainer (1) to fit the selected 
bicycle frame length (see examples in fig. C and 
fig. D) and tighten the screw on the clamping 
device of the retainer. 
Turn the quick release lever anti-clockwise to 
open the clamping device (Fig. F).
Put the bicycle frame into the clamping device 
and turn the quick release lever in a clockwise 
direction until the quick release lever can be 
moved around with force (Fig. F).
Make sure to have an adequate clamping force. 


If the quick release lever can be 

moved around too easily, the clamping force is 
insufficient. In this case, push the quick release 
lever back into the open position and turn it in a 
clockwise direction again to increase the fixed 
clamping force. Close the quick release again.
If the quick release lever cannot be moved 
around, the clamping force is too strong. 


Содержание 292230

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