Cricket Remote Control Installation
8. Using wire cutters carefully cut the lug off the Red cable on
WH2. Make sure your cut is as close to the lug as possible.
9. Strip the wire insulation off the end of the wire you cut to lug
off to reveal at least ¼ of exposed wire.
10. At the Controller locate the Green and White cables on the 16
Pin white connector on the Controller. See Diagram for pin
11. Using wire cutters cut the Green cable approximately 3.5 inches
from the white connector. You will splice cables from WH2 to
these cables.
(Step 14 and 15)
12. Approximately 3.5 inches from the White connector carefully
remove approx. ¼ inch of insulation from the White cable.
13. Strip the wire insulation off the end of the wires you cut in Step
11 to reveal at least ¼ of exposed wire. Repeat for the (4) wires
remaining cables on WH2.
14. Splice the Purple cable on WH2 to the Cart end of the Green
cable you cut in Step 11.
15. Splice the Green cable on WH2 to the Controller end of the
Green cable you cut in Step 11.
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