34 • HD-MD8X8-4KZ-E, HD-MD8X4-4KZ-E, and HD-MD4X4-4KZ-E
Web Interface Configuration Guide — Doc. 8908C
Move the Automatic Power slider to the right to enable automatic power. To disable, automatic
power, move the slider to the left.
If the Automatic Power is enabled, select the following settings:
1. Select Sync, Occupancy, or Sync or Occupancy from the Automatic Power Trigger drop-
down menu.
2. Select CEC or Drivers from the Command Interface drop-down menu.
3. Select ASCII or Hex from the Command Format drop-down menu.
4. Select None, CR, LF, or CR_LF from the Command Terminator drop-down menu.
5. Select the Output Timeout value from the Output Timeout drop-down menu. Valid values
are 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90 or Custom in seconds.
6. Select Power Off: RCP and SS, Power Off: RCP only, Power Off: SS only, or Custom from
the Power Off Command drop-down menu. Click Test to test the command.
7. Select Power On: RCP and IVO, Power On: RCP, Power On: Image View On, or Custom
from the Power On Command drop-down menu. Click Test to test the command.
8. Move the Input Control slider to the right to enable input control. To disable input control,
move the slider to the left.
If the input control is enabled, select the following settings:
a. Select the delay value from the Delay drop-down menu. Valid values are 0, 3, 5, 7, 10,
or 20 seconds.
b. Enter command in the Command String field. Click Test to test the command.
9. Click OK to save. Click Cancel to cancel the changes.