80 • DGE-100 and DM-DGE-200-C
Product Manual — Doc. 7696D
Select the Groups tab to view and edit information for DGE groups.
Enter text into the Search Groups field to find and display groups that match the search term
DGE groups are listed in table format. The following information is displayed for each DGE
Username: The chosen group name.
AD User: Reports whether the group is (Yes) or is not (No) authenticated through Active
NOTE: Active Directory provides an additional layer of authentication for touch screen
groups and users. Active directory group and user names are stored in the touch
screen console along with a unique SID (security identifier). When an Active Directory
user attempts to authenticate against the console, the console first checks the user
credentials. If the Active Directory authentication is successful, Active Directory
queries the console for the user or group's SID. The user is granted access to the touch
screen only if at least one SID match is found.
Access Level: The access level for the selected group (Administrator, Programmer,
Operator, User, or Connect).
If the DGE groups span multiple pages, use the navigation arrows on the bottom of the page to
move forward or backward through the pages, or select a page number to navigate to that
page. Additionally, the number of groups displayed on each page may be set to 5, 10, or 20 users.
An Actions column is also provided for each group that allows various actions to be performed.
The following selections may be selected from the Actions column.