Numeric & Function Keypads
You can create a program that allows you to control the keypad through a
Crestron control system using the Crestron programming tools Crestron
Application Builder™ (AppBuilder) and SIMPL Windows. These tools
are intended for users with different levels of programming knowledge.
The flexibility of each tool is proportional to the degree of programming
expertise (i.e., the more flexible, the more a programmer needs to know
and account for). Of course, one can initiate programming using the
easiest method (Crestron AppBuilder) and use advanced techniques that
are available from SIMPL Windows to customize the job.
: You can also create and then load a WAV file program (for
sound) in the keypads using VisionTools™ Pro-e (VT Pro-e).
: Since the following programming descriptions are the same for
the CNX-BN12 and CNX-BF12, the CNX-BN12 will be used except
where noted.
The following are recommended software version requirements for the
SIMPL Windows version 2.01.06 or later. Requires SIMPL+
Cross Compiler version 1.1.
VT Pro-e version 2.4 or later.
Crestron Database version 15.7.2 or later.
Application Builder version 1.0.17 or later. Requires SIMPL
Programming with the Crestron AppBuilder
The easiest
method of
but does not
offer as much
The Crestron AppBuilder offers automatic programming for such
residential and commercial applications as audio distribution, home
theater, video conferencing, and lighting. The interface of this tool guides
you through a few basic steps for designating rooms and specifying the
control system, touchpanels, devices, and functionality. The Crestron
AppBuilder then programs the system, including all touchpanel projects
and control system logic.
The Crestron AppBuilder is fully integrated with Crestron's suite of
software development tools, including SIMPL Windows, VT Pro-e,
Crestron Database, User IR Database, and User Modules Directory.
Operations & Installation Guide - DOC. 8185
Number & Function Keypads: CNX-BN12 & CNX-BF12