Should you encounter problems communicating over
ModBus, the following items should be checked in this order:
1. Physical
2. Communications
Confi guration and Port Settings
3. ModBus Error Codes
4. Unit Status / Blocking / Lockout Codes
Physical Layer
1. Check that all components have power (Boiler, Gateway,
2. Check all wire lengths. Are any drops too long?
3. Check proper shield grounding
4. Check A, B terminal connections
5. Check for Terminating Resistors (120 ohms)
6. Check for broken wires
1. Check Dip Switch Confi guration of MTR-01 Board
2. Check Baud Rate (9600, 19200)
3. Check
4. Check Slave ID
5. Check Port Setting on Master, Gateway, and Computers
ModBus Error Codes
1. Check ModBus communication for error codes (see page
6 for ModBus Exception Codes)
2. Check
3. Check Slave ID
4. Check
5. Check
Confi guration bits for Holding Register 40001
6. Check Commands and data for Holding Registers
40002 - 40007
Unit Status Codes
See Codes in this section
Boiler Status
The Crest boiler displays a boiler state code on the Building
Screen to help aid in troubleshooting. The boiler state
indicates what the boiler is actually doing. This state should
be compared to the command issued and what is expected.
If the boiler state does not agree with the command issued,
check communication and confi guration.
Status Codes (Input Register 30014)
2 = Heat Demand blocked due to high absolute outlet
= Heat Demand blocked due to high absolute fl ue
4 = Heat Demand blocked due to high absolute Delta T
(Outlet - Inlet)
7 = Heat Demand blocked due to changed Personality Plug
8 = Heat Demand blocked due to Low 24 VAC
9 = Outdoor shutdown
10 = Block due to switch OFF boiler (ON/OFF of Display)
12 = Block due to line frequency
16 = Service function
19 = DHW function Storage Tank
21 = SH function Heat demand from Room Thermostat
22 = SH function Heat demand from Boiler Management
23 = SH function Heat demand from Cascade
30 = Heat demand activated by Freeze Protection
32 = DHW Pump Delay
33 = SH Pump Delay
34 = No heat function (after pump delay)
40 = Lockout
Blocking Codes (Input Register 30015)
0 = No blocking
5 = Blocking Due to Low 24 VAC Supply
6 = Blocking MRHL is open
8 = Blocking due to Switched OFF boiler (Display ENTER
10 = Blocking due to High Delta T
14 = Blocking due to line frequency
15 = Blocking due to high fl ue temperature
11 = Blocking due to high outlet water temperature
12 = Blocking due to anti-cycling time
13 = Blocking due to changed ID Plug
7 = Blocking due to high outdoor temperature
ModBus Instructions