Creality Ender 3 Pro Assembly Instructions V1.0
Step 17 - Levelling the bed
** Before the first print, the printer bed must be levelled (or the more accurate term: trammed) in order to get the
best possible surface conditions for initial layer of the print. The aim is to set a tiny distance between the tip of the
hot-end nozzle and the build surface, this distance is approximately the thickness of a sheet a paper or about 0.1-
To correctly tram the Ender 3 it must first be brought up to the temperature that will be used during printing,
typically this is a build plate temperature of 60-70°C for PLA and 80-90°C for ABS and a hot end temperature of 180-
220°C for PLA and 210-250°C for ABS.
It is important to do a preheat of the printers components prior to levelling. When at operational temperature the
bed and nozzle will expand with the heat and therefore changing clearances, as a result this needs to be done when
the heated bed is on and up to temperature, hence it’s a good opportunity to also confirm the heated bed and hot
end are both operational and heating up properly.
For this example, temperatures used are for printing with PLA.
Tools for this
Piece of Paper
From the main options menu, select the PLA preheat
command, allowing the temperatures of the heated bed and
hot end to rise and get to setpoint.
Main>Prepare>Preheat PLA>Preheat PLA
This command is programmed to heat both the hot-end and
the heated bed up to a pre-set temperature, saving the need
of manually adjusting 2 individual set points.
**If there is any filament oozing from the nozzle, use
the scraper to remove and clean off.