REMEDIATING parts washing system
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13. Frequently asked questions
Bioremediation is the use of biological agents such as
microbes or plants to break down or neutralize “haz-
ardous substances” or “contaminants” thereby removing
dangerous chemicals from the environment. The process
of bioremediation is listed as one of the Environmental
Protection Agency’s (EPA) innovative technologies.
How is “Bioremediation” different from “Bio-
degradable” ?
BIOREMEDIATION is the use of natural biological agents
such as microbes to break down or neutralize “hazardous
substances” or “contaminants”. FOR EXAMPLE: In the
, Ozzy(s), natural biological agents or
microbes, break down the carbon-based contaminants
(grease and oil) and turn them into harmless carbon
dioxide and water. BIODEGRADABLE means that a
substance or mixture is subject to or could be broken
down by biological agents into smaller compounds.
Who and what is Ozzy
Ozzy is the name we selected for the blend of non-path-
ogenic (harmless to humans) microbes in the Smart-
Washer system. Our microbes, Ozzy and his friends,
eat potentially harmful hydrocarbon wastes in the
and transform these wastes into very
small quantities of carbon dioxide and water. Similar
types of microbes have been used for many years in
various bioremediation applications, such as oil spills,
including the Gulf of Mexico spill in 2010, and the Exxon
Valdez disaster in 1989.
What happens to the grease, oil and other
contaminants in the SmartWasher?
Grease, oil and other contaminants are bioremediated in
the SmartWasher
- transformed into harmless, non-haz-
ardous by-products such as carbon dioxide and water.
Particulate matter, such as sand, grit, dirt and paint chips
are trapped in the OzzyMat
to be disposed of properly.
How well does OzzyJuice clean?
is extraordinarily powerful and cleans ex-
tremely well. OzzyJuice
is a surfactant that breaks
down the surface tension between the grease and the
part rather than dissolving it; the grease actually lifts off
the parts leaving behind clean surfaces. Note that while
cleans differently than dangerous solvents or
mineral spirits, it cleans just as well.
Will OzzyJuice clean carburators, transmis-
sions, aluminium, brakes and anything else in
my shop?
YES. Not only is OzzyJuice
effective on these parts,
it will not damage non-metal components that may be
attached to the parts being cleaned such as rubber or
plastic fittings. As with all parts cleaners, some items are
going to become cleaner at different rates than others
due to the degree and type of grime encountered.
How often do I change the fluid (OzzyJuice