Congratulations! You are the owner of one of the fi nest
pumps on the market today. These pumps are products
engineered and manufactured of high quality components.
With years of pump building experience along with a
continuing quality assurance program combine to produce
a pump which will stand up to the toughest applications.
Check local codes and requirements before installation.
Servicing should be performed by knowledgeable pump
service contractors or authorized service stations.
Upon receiving the pump, it should be inspected for
damage or shortages. If damage has occurred, fi le a claim
immediately with the company that delivered the pump.
If the manual is removed from the crating, do not lose or
Short Term -
Pumps are manufactured for effi cient
performance following long inoperative periods in storage.
For best results, pumps can be retained in storage, as
factory assembled, in a dry atmosphere with constant
temperatures for up to six (6) months.
Long Term -
Any length of time exceeding six (6) months,
but not more than twenty four (24) months. The units
should be stored in a temperature controlled area, a roofed
over walled enclosure that provides protection from the
elements (rain, snow, wind blown dust, etc..), and whose
temperature can be maintained b40 deg. F and
+120 deg. F. Pump should be stored in its original shipping
container and before initial start up, rotate impeller by hand
to assure seal and impeller rotate freely.
For the location of the nearest Deming Service Center,
check your Deming representative or
Crane Pumps & Systems Service Department in Piqua,
Ohio, telephone (937) 778-8947 or
Crane Pumps & Systems Canada, Inc., Bramton, Ontario,
(905) 457-6223.
The Motor-Mount pumps can be installed on any
suffi ciently soild foundation since pump and motor are
rigidly aligned. The unit may be installed on a concrete
foundation with anchor bolts set in place or securely
mounted on a wall in either a horizontal or vertical position
with motor above pump. The pump should be located as
near the source of supply as possible with a minimum of
suction pipe and elbows. Maximum suction lift, (lift plus
pipe friction is 15 feet based on 65°F water at sea level.
Foundation bolts, of the proper size, should be imbedded
in the concrete. A pipe sleeve, about 2½” diameters larger
than the bolt, should be used to allow for fi nal positioning
of the bolts. See Figure 1.
Position unit on foundation and level using rectangular
metal blocks and shims, or wedges having a small taper as
shown in Figure 2.
A foot valve and strainer must be installed on the lower
end of the suction pipe to keep pump completely fi lled with
liquid when the pump is used under suction lift conditions.
Connect suction pipe to pump, making certain that all
connections are airtight. When a foot valve and strainer
are used, it is necessary to install a check valve in the
discharge line near the pump to prevent possible casing
damage due to line shock or surge when the pump stops.
A gate valve should also be installed in the discharge line.
Connect discharge pipe to pump casing.
Figure 1. Foundation Bolt
Location and Anchorage
Figure 2. Adjusting Wedges for Mounting