14. Fasten the End Caps. The End Cap keeps out insects and wind while
still allowing for drainage and condensation. The edges of the cap
should be touching the 'F' Channel, this prevents the glazing from sliding
out. Seal the End Cap as shown by the red lines. Do not seal the bottom
as that would defeat the drainage.
15. Install a flashing (not supplied) from existing structure. The photo below is an example and
may not relate to your situation, always flash and waterproof in accordance with accepted
building practise.
Always flash from existing structure. Flashing should extend approx 2” past the Skyview
Pitch: 1:12 minimum, 2:12 is ideal
Splicing Craft-Bilt 3x3 Beam for a patio cover: Follow Craft-Bilt load tables. The splice must
never occur in the first or last span. Never splice a Beam when only 2 or 3 posts are being
used. The splice joint should be within 12” of one of the posts. Use Craft-Bilt splicer kit
Care and Maintenance:
Refer to Craft-Bilt polycarbonate sheet cleaning instructions before attempting to clean the
The glazing sheet can scratch and care should be taken during any cleaning.
Do not walk on the sheet.
Never allow chemicals or solvents to contact the gasketing.
Silicone sealant must not come in contact with the sheets.
If cleaning the outside of the roof with a hose, the water should be directed down the slope and
NEVER up the slope.
Polycarbonate sheets should not come into contact with PVC and many sealants. List of
approved sealants available.
Page 8 Aug 1 2018
This flashing was done in two
parts, this photo is before the
bottom half was installed so you
can see the Blueskin (or equiv.)
membrane underneath.