www.cp-instruments.pl / [email protected]
tel. 71 798-57-84
3. Preparation of the surface before measuring
All concrete heating/drying equipment should be switched on at least 96 hours before taking the final me
asurements. Otherwise the outcome may not reflect the actual humidity level or displacement of humidity in
tested material. Before the measurement may be taken, the analyzed surface should be cleaned- there should
not be any foreign substances like plastic films, dust etc.. In case of measuring concrete floors all covering
materials like: concrete additives, primers, paints, etc., should be removed in order to reveal pure concrete
that is going to be measured. All cleaning and cover-removing works should be finished at least 48 hours
before taking the measurement. CP-D4 meter should not be used to measure concrete on which there is
water in a liquid state. Measurements should be avoided in areas exposed to direct sunlight or other sources
of heat.
4. Available scales:
1. Concrete (0-6% H2O)
Concrete scale may be used only for concrete surfaces. It shows the relation between weight of pure water
contained in the tested material with its dry weight. The scale range varies between 0 and 6% as 6% is about
maximal physically possible content of water in the concrete. The obtained results sho-uld not be confused
with moisture emission or any other humiditymeasurement methods.
2. Cement Screed (0-6% H2O)
This scale is used to measure the moisture content of cement screed. The content of water is expressed as a
percentage of weight.
3. Cement Screed (0-4% CM)
This scale is used to measure the moisture content of cement screed. The displayed value is an approxi-mate
value that can be also determined using the Carbide Method (CM).
4. Anhydrite Screed (0-3.5% H2O)
This scale is meant for moisture measurements in anhydrite floors. The displayed value is an aproximation
of a value that normally would be indicated using a CM-measurement device.
5. Anhydrite Screed (0-1.9% CM)
This scale is used to measure the moisture content of Ascreed. The displayed value is an approximate value
that can be also determined using the Carbide Method (CM).
6. Caisson 0.3-15.3 Scale (0.3-15.3 m)
Scale works in a similar way as the Relative with a range from 0.3 til 15.3m.
7. Relative Scale (0-100%)
Relative scale may be used in humidity level comparison of various materials. Obtained results sho-uld not
be interpreted as percentage content of water in tested surfaces. There is no linear correlation between the
outcomes and relative humidity. The scale should be used only as comparison technique. Scale may be used
on the surfaces where direct contact with pure concrete is impossible because of some layer/covering.