Add another occupancy sensor so that the room lights only turn off when both sensors have timed-out.
Additional occupancy sensors to control the same group of lights as the first sensor can be added by
pairing the new sensor to the same network and setting its occupancy parameters to control the same
ON and OFF scenes as that of the first occupancy sensor.
Programming Steps on the Casambi App:
1. Discover the new sensor under ’Nearby devices’ and add to previously assigned network.
2. Setup the occupancy settings as follows:
a. Within the
[Luminaire] tab, double tap on the luminaire to edit.
b. Under
Presence Sensors, tap the ‘>’ arrow to the next page and tap ‘>’ again to see the
occupancy options.
c. Tap
[Presence/Absence] to choose occupancy control mode (Presence or Presence/Absence or
i. Tap
[Presence scenes]
Tap the same ON scene already made. In this case you can select both ’inner row ON’ and ’dim
row ON’ scenes
ii. Tap
[Absence scenes]
Tap the OFF scene already made.
iii. Adjust
[Linger time] (time-out period) to 20 seconds (same as the other sensor)
iv. Adjust
[Fade time] (time period of fade to OFF after time-out period)
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