● How to attach/detach the lens
Please refer to the instruction manual for your camera for how to attach/detach
the lens. When attaching and detaching, use the focus lever ⑨ , This is fixed at
the infinite position, and focus stop ⑬ to rotate the lens. Holding and rotating
other parts may cause a functional failure.
● Attaching Hood
Screw the Lens Hood ① to the front of the lens.
● About Focusing
The focus is locked at the infinity ( ∞ ) position. Press the focus lock button ⑫ to
release the focus lock, and then use the focus lever ⑨ to focus.
● Rangefinder coupling
Coupled focusing range of this lens is ∞ ~ 0.7m. However, rangefinder coupling
range will be different depending on the rangefinder mechanism of the camera