The original purchaser will be able to obtain a free replacement from
the local authorized dealer of a Power Cell or a Power Cell charger, if:
The CORE™ Outdoor Power local authorized dealer determines
that there is a non-functioning Power Cell or Power Cell charger.
And that such non-functional component is found to be as a
result of a defect in material or workmanship as covered within
the applicable terms and period of the limited warranty.
The local authorized dealer should be able to sell to you
replacements of the Power Cell, Power Cell charger for non-warranty
covered failures of those individual components.
If after first ruling out the prospect of a non-functional or defective
CORE™ Power Cell, or Power Cell charger, [as per above], the
problem is thus determined to require service repair of the CORE™
GasLess™ tool, carefully package the CORE™ GasLess™ tool [without
the Power Cell], using sufficient packaging materials, and place in
sturdy outer boxing to prevent damage during transit for warranty
service, or aftermarket non-warranty repair at a CORE™ Outdoor
Power Authorized Service Center.
Safety Notice: Do NOT ship either
functional or dysfunctional Power Cell(s) to a CORE™ Outdoor
Power Authorized Service Center due to restrictive Dangerous
Goods Transport regulations.
Ship only the CORE™ GasLess™ tool for
service to a CORE™ Outdoor Power Authorized Service Center as your
local authorized CORE™ Outdoor Power products dealer should be
able to satisfactorily resolve issues associated with the Power Cells, or
the Power Cell chargers.
Packaging cartons used for shipping should be of a strong outer
packaging and properly sealed.
Complete the attached CORE™ Outdoor Power Authorized
Service Request Form provided below. Place the service request
form within a separate envelope and place the envelope along
with the tool inside the outer shipment packaging.