NV mode: Auto,ON,OFF
Nv CYCLE: Night vision surveillance cycle time setup,1-60s for option.
NV Threshold: Photosensitive resistance strength 0
255 for option.. When light is lower than this value, night vision device will auto open.
NV Gain: Adjust night vision light ,0-64 for option.
Wiper Mode: one ,limit,n time.
Wiper time: Setupt wiper working time.10
600 S for option.
Wiper start: Wiper START as setupt mode.
Wiper Sotp: Limit or unlimit stop by manual mode
Defrost: Through heart device to defrost, time is 30s.
Return: Save configurate and back to previous menu.
Other setting:
Enter other sub-menu
Auto Flip: When camera arrive at tilt postion, pan run
°, ON/OFF for option.
Speed limit: When camera in high zoo, DOME or speed dome will automatic let speed slow, ON/OFF for option.
Park action: When this option Open, will open park action function. This means when in a while, user do not has any control or active, DOME or speed
dome will back to the orignal point. When DOME or speed dome in a patrol , will not back to oringal point. If you no need it back to orignal point, please