Apricus Installation Manual
Health & Safety Considerations
Anyone undertaking solar heating
installations should obtain an up-to-date
copy of the relevant UK HSE (Health &
Safety Executive) Regulations and / or the
Irish HSA (Health & Safety Authority)
regulations and carefully review the contents
Working at Height
A Full Risk Analysis should be undertaken
before any work is started with particular
attention to work at height, how you plan to
organize your work, accounting for the
installation site, prevailing weather conditions
and the experience and competence of
others who will also be working at height.
Reference should be made to the Full
Current Regulations and Guidelines before
any work commences which state that a Risk
Assessment must be undertaken for any
work undertaken at height and to ensure
that arrangements are in place to :
Eliminate or minimise the risks from
working at height
Safe systems and methods of work are
in place for the organisation and
performance of work at height
Safe systems and methods are in place
for selecting equipment that is suitable
to undertake the work
Safe systems and methods are in place
for protecting people from the
consequences of working at height
The Regulations set out a basic hierarchy for
managing and selecting equipment for work
at height, as follows :
Avoid working at height where possible
Use work equipment or other suitable
measures to prevent falls when work
at height cannot be avoided
Where the risk of a fall cannot be
completely eliminated, then use
equipment of other measures to
minimise the distance and
consequences should a fall occur
Under the regulations you are required to
ensure :
All work at height is properly planned
and organized
All work at height takes account of
weather conditions that could endanger
health and safety
Those involved in work at height are
trained and competent
The place where work at height is done
is safe
Equipment for work at height is
appropriately inspected
The risks from fragile surfaces are
properly controlled
The risks from falling objects are
properly controlled