Please select the data that need to be restored and press the start
button. The system will restore the data to the original folders.
C.2.2 Total Restore:
When selecting "All Files" and
pressing the "start" bottom next
to "All Files", the system will
automatically search the data
that have been backed up in the
XTreme Files Drive and restore
them to the original folders.
D. The repair of the computer due to the damage of the computer hard
disk or computer viruses
D.1 When the computer can't boot because of the hard disk damage or computer viruses, or if it
is necessary to change the hard drive due to insufficient capacity, please put the rescue CD
provided by the XTreme Files Drive into the CD drive and restart the system. The computer
will reboot and restore the backup files in the "Original Backup" of the XTreme Files Drive to
the computer hard disk.