Technical Support
Our technical support team is available to answer your
questions and assist you with your installation.
During business hours: 1.888.448.5664
Online technical support: [email protected]
Call us if you have questions!
The first item to verify is proper power to the controller. The
system requires a 16VAC to 30VAC from your HVAC system.
The system requires a common connection!
If the display is black or the controller cycles on and off this is
usually a sign of improper power or a loose connection.
Step 1
. Remove the controller from the backplate and
measure the voltage across RC/RH and C. If it is less than
16VAC please verify wiring and your HVAC system.
Step 2.
Verify all wires are properly connected and screws
are tight.
Step 3.
Verify the RC/RH jumper is installed and tightened.