User’s Manual
Graph Controls
The graph can be adjusted and analyzed using the following techniques:
Cursor Control
A cursor can be used to precisely measure the level at a particular point in time.
To the bottom-left of the graph is a three-button control. The left-most looks like a cross. In order to use
the cursor proceed as follows:
Press on the button that looks like a cross (see
Place the mouse over the point where the X and Y cursor lines meet and left-click. This grabs
the cursor.
Drag the cursor to the specific curve and time of interest. The cursor can jump from one curve
to the other.
Read the X and Y values in the cursor field underneath the graph.
Zoom Control
To use the zoom control, simply press the button that looks like a magnifying glass and choose one of
the following zoom functions:
Zoom X-Y
Zoom X
Zoom Y
After choosing the function, the cursor changes to a magnifying glass. Click and drag on the graph to
apply the required zoom.
Pan Control
To pan a graph left, right up or down, first press on the
button to the left of the graph. Then
position the mouse over the graph. Left-click to “grab” the graph, and move the mouse to pan the graph
as desired.
X-Y-Scale Direct Modification
Another way to zoom a graph is to directly change its scale. To do that, simply click on the value for left-
most or right-most marker of the X-scale, and select its value. Type a new value to replace the old one.
The scale is adjusted so that that new value is used at the beginning or end of the scale.
The same technique can be applied to the bottom-most or top-most values of the Y-scale of the graph.