Continental Hydraulics Installation Manual
Page 11 of 15
CHI 1013477 May 2012
Swapping polarity with the POL parameter:
The output drive polarity may be swapped with the POL command.
Valid parameter values are “+” and “-“. (Default = +).
Adjustment of SENS internal monitoring function:
This module has optional input and internal monitoring functions. The module can monitor
command inputs for proper range.
There are three choices for SENS; OFF, ON, and AUTO (default).
OFF disables the internal sensing function.
ON and AUTO enable the internal sensing functions. The difference between ON and AUTO is
how the module handles error correction.
When ON is selected, if the module detects an error, the module will disable.
After the error is corrected, the ENABLE pin must be cycled to reactivate the
When AUTO is selected, if the module detects an error, the module will disable.
When the error is corrected, the module will resume function without cycling
If the module has been configured to accept current commands, a command value outside of 4 to
20 mA will disable the module, and cause the green READY LED to blink.
HAND+ (jog+) (pin 6) and HAND- (jog-) (pin 5) digital inputs:
HAND:A and HAND:B are digital inputs that are active high.
HAND:A adjusts the speed command to the valve. The valve will move the load in open loop
mode at the rate set by HAND. Once the HAND input is released, the new position command
setpoint is whatever the position was when hand is released. HAND:A and HAND:B have valid
values from –10000 to +10000. Units are 0.01%. Default for HAND:A is 3333(+1/3), and
HAND:B is –3333(-1/3).
START(RUN) takes priority over HAND.
EOUT parameter:
EOUT sets a default module output value. When ENABLE (pin 8) has been removed, or the
module has become disabled, the output may be set to a value other than zero. This allows the
machine to slowly extend or retract in the case of loss of electro hydraulic control.
Parameter valid –10,000 thru +10,000. Default is 0. Units of 0.01%