CONTI Sanitärarmaturen GmbH | Hauptstraße 98 | 35435 Wettenberg | Deutschland | Tel. +49 641 98221 0 | Fax +49 641 98221 50 | [email protected]
www.conti.plus | Druckfehler und Irrtümer sowie technische und maßliche Änderungen vorbehalten. | Errors and technical changes remain reserved.
CONTI Sanitärarmaturen GmbH | Hauptstraße 98 | 35435 Wettenberg | Deutschland | Tel. +49 641 98221 0 | Fax: +49 641 98221 50 | [email protected]
www.conti.plus | Druckfehler und Irrtümer sowie technische und maßliche Änderungen vorbehalten. | Errors and technical changes remain reserved.
Be sure to read the attached safety instruc-
tions before installing and commissioning the
system /product.
Incorrect installation can cause malfunc tions
and damage and become a danger for the
user and specialist craftsmen.
The manufacturer does not assume any war-
ranty for improper operation and im proper use.
Electrical wiring and installations must be carried
out by a qualifi ed electrician in accordance with DIN
VDE 105-100.
Only insert cables at specifi ed positions. Assump-
tion of warranty only if the specifi ed cable types are
Observe DIN VDE 100-701 when installing central
control units.
• Coin-operated machines must be installed
in a splash-proof vestibule
• Control cabinets must be installed in a dry room
At water temperatures above 45 °C there is a risk
of scalding!
The worksheet DVGW W 551 must be observed!
To avoid damage to functional components, mal-
functions and water damage, comply with operat-
ing pressures in accordance with specifi ed technical
Disconnect the water supply before assembly and
disassembly of water-bearing components and
fi ttings.
Before and after installation, fl ush pipes in accord-
ance with DIN EN 806-4 or ZVSHK leafl et “Flushing,
dis infecting and commissioning of drinking water
installa tions”.
Store product in a frost-free, dry environment.
Check the fi xing material in the scope of delivery for
usability for current wall condition.
Only use stainless steel fi xing screws.
Observe maintenance and repair obligations in
accordance with VDI/DVGW 6023 or DIN EN 806-5.
Observe DIN 1988-200 or VDI/DVGW 6023 when
tempo rarily shutting down valves or other water-
bearing components.
Do not insert or swallow small parts such as screws,
seals or other metal or plastic parts into the body!
This can lead to health damage, even life-threaten-
ing situa tions!
Before cleaning components, always read the in-
structions for use of the cleaning agent! Consult a
qualifi ed specialist before using the cleaner.
Water-carrying sections of components must always
be operated with water only! Oil or other liquids are
not suitable for operation and can lead to damage
and malfunction of the component.
The use of spare parts from other manufacturers
can cause damage to the component and requires
immediate cancellation of the warranty.
Do not dispose of batteries in house-
hold waste. Obligation to return to
municipal collec tion points or trade.