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Maintenance and cleaning

•  This product does not require maintenance. There are no components located inside the 

product you need to maintain. Never open/dismantle the product. Have maintenance and 

repairs done by qualified experts or repair shops only.

•  Always disconnect the product from the mains before cleaning. Then disconnect all con-

nected devices from the power strip.

•  To clean the product, a dry, soft and clean cloth is sufficient. You can use a long-haired, soft 

and clean brush and a vacuum cleaner to remove dust.

•  Never use any aggressive cleaning agents or chemical solutions to clean the product. Such 

cleaning products may attack the housing or cause malfunction.



 Electronic devices are recyclable waste and must not be disposed of in the house-

hold waste.


 At the end of its service life, dispose of the product according to the relevant statu-

tory regulations.


 You thus fulfil your statutory obligations and contribute to the protection of the envi



Technical data

Connection data ...................................230 V/AC (max. 250 V/AC), 50 Hz, 16 A, max. 3680 W
Safety sockets ......................................6 (enhanced protection against accidental contact)
Leakage current ....................................max. 13500 A
Cable length .........................................1.5 m
Dimensions (D x H x W) .......................476 x 49 x 67 mm
Weight ..................................................approx. 720 g

This is a publication by Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, D-92240 Hirschau ( All rights in-

cluding translation reserved. Reproduction by any method, e.g. photocopy, microfilming, or the capture in electronic data 

processing systems require the prior written approval by the editor. Reprinting, also in part, is prohibited. This publication 

represents the technical status at the time of printing.
Copyright 2020 by Conrad Electronic SE. 

