Connect Tech BlueStorm/Express User Manual
Revision 0.15
Baud Rate Mapping
In some applications, high or unusual baud rates such as 230400 bps cannot be specified directly.
In such a case, we provide two baud rates (110 bps and 300 bps) which can be mapped to different
values if necessary.
By default 300 baud is mapped to 230400 baud. In this case, an actual baud rate will be 230400
will be set when 300 baud is specified.
If baud rate mapping is not desired specify the same baud rate in the edit box beside each of the
selections. For example 300 would be set to 300 and 110 would be set to 110.
Clock Frequency
The clock frequency used by the current CTI PCI Express UART is shown in the
COM Number
The driver supports the ability to change COM port names, which is also referred to as COM port
mapping. Use this combo box to change the COM port number to be used for the current port.
For example specifying COM5 would set the COM name for this port to COM5.
Ensure the COM name selected is not already in use or the port may not respond