Connect Tech BlueStorm/Express User Manual
Revision 0.15
BlueStorm/Express Installation Overview
Before you begin, take a moment to ensure your package includes the components that ship with
your product. These components should include:
One BlueStorm/Express adapter
One CD containing software and documentation
One DB-9 male fan-out cable or other custom cable assembly (optional)
If any of these components are missing, contact
Connect Tech
(see more
Contact Details
) or your
There are three stages to installing your BlueStorm/Express:
Hardware Configuration
Interrupts and Memory selection will be set by the host computer’s BIOS and operating
system. This section outlines jumper settings and configuration.
Hardware Installation
Installation involves the physical installation of the BlueStorm/Express into your computer.
Please note that you should configure any jumper settings prior to installing the board.
(If you choose to use the Windows Software First installation option, go to Section 3 before
Section 2.)
Software/Driver Installation
Load the appropriate driver for your Operating System, as found on the accompanying CD.
Installation guides are also available on the CD to aid you in this process. Please note that
Windows users have two options for software installation:
Software First installations require that you install your drivers prior to installing the
hardware into your system.
Hardware First installations require the installation of the drivers when prompted by the
operating system’s hardware detection process after the hardware installation.
Hardware Configuration
Interrupts and Memory Address Selection
The BlueStorm/Express board is a PCI Express card, so the host computer’s BIOS will
automatically set interrupts and memory addresses when you power up the system.
Electrical Interfaces
RS-232 Electrical Interface
This is the default setting for the selectable interface of the BlueStorm/Express. To operate a port
in RS-232 mode, no jumpers are set on the corresponding jumper block.
RS-422/485 Electrical Interface
The BlueStorm/Express models with support for RS-422/485 interface offer three modes of RS-
422/485 communication, as outlined below. (See
Figure 8
to see examples of jumper settings.)
Full Duplex Mode
In this mode, TxD+/- is being driven to a known level all the time. This mode is typically used in
point-to-point situations much like RS-232. It is the default setting for RS-422/485 mode.