Mounting Your Humidifier
Ø 6 in
152 mm
12 in
305 mm
9.45 in
240 mm
1. Use the templates (supplied) to cut holes in the ducts. Refer to the installation manual for more information.
a. Cut a rectangle into the air duct (return or supply). This hole will be for the humidifier body.
b. Cut a round hole into the other duct. This hole will be for the bypass duct.
2. (* If required) Change the orientation of the bypass opening.
a. Remove the top cover, then the bottom cover of the humidifier.
b. Push in the tabs and push out the end cap and bypass opening. Switch their positions.
c. Reinstall the bypass opening/damper and end cap, then reinstall the bottom cover.
3. Mount the humidifier.
a. Secure the support hooks on the humidifier to the bottom lip of the rectangular hole.
b. Push the top of the humidifier back against the duct and fasten the humidifier to the duct by using two
self-drilling sheet metal screws (provided).
c. Reinstall the top cover at the end of the installation.