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VP 8060

VP 8060




The manufacturer (or importer) is responsible for en-

suring the product complies with the requirements of 

applicable legal regulations as well as those of the rel-

evant technical standards. Moreover, they are respon-

sible for ensuring the product has the properties the 

manufacturer described in documents related to the 

goods or those reasonably expected by the customer 

with regard to the nature of the goods or based on 

advertising produced by the manufacturer, and fur-

ther they are responsible for ensuring the product is 

fi t for the purpose proposed by the manufacturer or 

that a product of the same type is normally used for. 

The quality warranty term is 24 months from product 

takeover by the customer.

The warranty does not apply to wear and tear caused 

by regular use. The customer shall not be entitled to 

any warranty claims if, prior to taking the product 

over, they knew the product contained a defect or if 

the defect is attributable to the customer.  

The warranty specifi cally does not apply:

•  if the product installation, operation and service 

conditions stipulated in the product operating 

manual have not been adhered to, 

•  to malfunctions caused due to mechanical, heat 

or chemical damage, short circuit, over voltage or 

incorrect installation,

•  to malfunctions caused by an inexpert third-party 


•  to malfunctions caused by natural disaster,

•  to malfunctions caused by insuffi  cient or inappro-

priate maintenance in violation of the operating 

manual, including malfunctions caused by water 

and other sediments,

•  to changes in colour of the heating surface or to 

scratching of the surface caused as a result of us-

ing the products in an unusual manner,

•  to appearance and functional changes caused by 

exposure to sunlight, thermal radiation of water 

and other sediments,

•  if the service life of certain product parts expires, 

e.g. for accumulators, bulbs, etc.

The warranty does not apply to any products and ser-

vices provided along with the product (gifts, promo-

tional articles, etc.).  

Filing a complaint

A complaint against a product defect must be fi led as 

soon as identifi ed, yet no later than before the end of 

the warranty term. 

The customer must fi le a  product complaint with 

the dealer from which they have purchased the pro-

duct, or with any authorised service centre, a list of 

which is included in the product package, or available at


While fi ling a  product complaint, the product must 

be duly cleaned and securely packed so as to prevent 

any damage during its transport to an authorised 

service centre, where relevant, unless the product is 

delivered in person. 

The customer must submit proof of having conclud-

ed a purchase contract for the product by producing 

the receipt. 

While fi ling their complaint, the customer must indi-

cate the noted defect and identify the preferred com-

plaint application method. 

Complaints processing

As long as the noted defect may be removed, the user 

has the right to have the defect duly removed free of 

charge on a timely basis.

Where such a  procedure is not reasonable with re-

gard to the nature of the defect, the user may require 

to be supplied a  new defect-free product (replace-

ment), or, where the defect applies to a part of the 

product only, replacement of the part concerned. 

However, if replacement of the product or any part 

thereof is not proportionate with regard to the nature 

of the defect, especially if the defect can be removed 

without undue delay, the customer has the right to 

have the defect removed free of charge.




The manufacturer (or importer) is responsible for en-

suring the product complies with the requirements of 

applicable legal regulations as well as those of the rel-

evant technical standards. Moreover, they are respon-

sible for ensuring the product has the properties the 

manufacturer described in documents related to the 

goods or those reasonably expected by the customer 

with regard to the nature of the goods or based on 

advertising produced by the manufacturer, and fur-

ther they are responsible for ensuring the product is 

fi t for the purpose proposed by the manufacturer or 

that a product of the same type is normally used for. 

The quality warranty term is 24 months from product 

takeover by the customer.

The warranty does not apply to wear and tear caused 

by regular use. The customer shall not be entitled to 

any warranty claims if, prior to taking the product 

over, they knew the product contained a defect or if 

the defect is attributable to the customer.  

The warranty specifi cally does not apply:

•  if the product installation, operation and service 

conditions stipulated in the product operating 

manual have not been adhered to, 

•  to malfunctions caused due to mechanical, heat 

or chemical damage, short circuit, over voltage or 

incorrect installation,

•  to malfunctions caused by an inexpert third-party 


•  to malfunctions caused by natural disaster,

•  to malfunctions caused by insuffi  cient or inappro-

priate maintenance in violation of the operating 

manual, including malfunctions caused by water 

and other sediments,

•  to changes in colour of the heating surface or to 

scratching of the surface caused as a result of us-

ing the products in an unusual manner,

•  to appearance and functional changes caused by 

exposure to sunlight, thermal radiation of water 

and other sediments,

•  if the service life of certain product parts expires, 

e.g. for accumulators, bulbs, etc.

The warranty does not apply to any products and ser-

vices provided along with the product (gifts, promo-

tional articles, etc.).  

Filing a complaint

A complaint against a product defect must be fi led as 

soon as identifi ed, yet no later than before the end of 

the warranty term. 

The customer must fi le a  product complaint with 

the dealer from which they have purchased the pro-

duct, or with any authorised service centre, a list of 

which is included in the product package, or available at


While fi ling a  product complaint, the product must 

be duly cleaned and securely packed so as to prevent 

any damage during its transport to an authorised 

service centre, where relevant, unless the product is 

delivered in person. 

The customer must submit proof of having conclud-

ed a purchase contract for the product by producing 

the receipt. 

While fi ling their complaint, the customer must indi-

cate the noted defect and identify the preferred com-

plaint application method. 

Complaints processing

As long as the noted defect may be removed, the user 

has the right to have the defect duly removed free of 

charge on a timely basis.

Where such a  procedure is not reasonable with re-

gard to the nature of the defect, the user may require 

to be supplied a  new defect-free product (replace-

ment), or, where the defect applies to a part of the 

product only, replacement of the part concerned. 

However, if replacement of the product or any part 

thereof is not proportionate with regard to the nature 

of the defect, especially if the defect can be removed 

without undue delay, the customer has the right to 

have the defect removed free of charge.

If the noted defect is not removable, or if the custom-

er becomes entitled to replacement of the product or 

a  part thereof, yet the replacement is not possible, 

for example due to the product having been sold 

out, the customer has the right to return the product 

(withdrawal from the contract). 

The customer shall have the right to a new product (re-

placement) or to replacement of a part of the product 

even if the defect can be removed, provided they can-

not properly use the product due to repeated occur-

rence of the defect or due to a high number of such de-

fects. In such a case, the customer also has the right to 

return the product (by withdrawing from the contract).

If the product is not returned (the customer does 

not withdraw from the contract), or if the customer 

does not apply the right to a new defect-free product 

(replacement), to replacement of a part thereof or to 

repair of the product, they may request a reasonable 

discount. The customer also has a right to a reason-

able discount if a  new defect-free product cannot 

be supplied to them, or if a product part cannot be 

replaced or the product repaired unless the situation 

is remedied within a reasonable time limit, or if rem-

edying the situation would create major discomfort 

on the part of the customer.

The seller, authorised service centre or a staff  member 

authorised by them must decide about each complaint 

immediately or within three business days in complicat-

ed cases.  This term does not include a reasonable period 

of time, depending on the type of product concerned, 

required for the defect to be assessed by an expert. 

A complaint, including defect removal, must be dealt 

with without any undue delay, yet no later than within 

30 calendar days of the complaint fi ling date, unless 

the seller and the customer agree on a later deadline. 

On returning the product (withdrawing from the con-

tract) the customer must return any accessories and 

documents supplied along with the product.

The customer does not have the right to keep the 

defective parts and components of the product re-

placed as part of a repair of the product.  

This shall be without prejudice to any other rights the 

customer may have in relation to the purchase of the 



: Complaints against products damaged in 

transport are governed by the carrier’s complaints 



Jindřich Valenta - Concept

Vysokomýtská 1800, 565 01 Choceň

Czech Republic

tel.: +420 465 471 433

fax +420 465 473 304

Company ID No. 13216660 

email: [email protected]


Product data


Production number:

Date of purchase:

Seal and signature of vendor:

Содержание VP 8060

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Страница 18: ...otu maņu uztveri nepietiekamām gara spējām vai cilvēkiem kuri nepārzina pareizu tās izmantošanu šī ierīce jāizmanto tikai atbildīgas un zinošas personas uzraudzībā Ja ierīces izmantošanas laikā tuvumā ir bērni ievērojiet īpašu piesardzību Neļaujiet izmantot ierīci kā rotaļlietu Nelietojiet ierīci ārpus telpām vai uz mitras virsmas Iespējams elektriskās strāvas trieciens Izmantojiet tikai ražotāja ...

Страница 19: nedrīkst ieslēgt Pirms tīrīšanas un turpmākas izmantošanas izslēdziet ierīci atvienojiet elektrības vadu no elektrotīkla rozetes un ļaujiet ierīcei atdzist Pirms tīrīšanas ar putekļu sūcēju no tīrāmās virsmas jānovāc lieli vai asi priekšmeti kas varētu bojāt putek ļu filtru Nelietojiet šo ierīci ja filtri ir netīri Ir aizliegts labot ierīci patstāvīgi Sazinieties ar pilnvaroto servisa apkalpes ...

Страница 20: ...sīt lielāku nolietojumu un sabojāt filtru kā arī saīsināt ierīces kalpošanas laiku 3 Ievietojiet tīrītu vai jaunu gaisa izplūdes filtru un aizveriet gaisa izplūdes režģi EKSPLUATĀCIJAS NORĀDĪJUMI PUTEKĻU SŪCĒJA MONTĀŽA BRĪDINĀJUMS Pirms piederumu pievienošanas vai noņemšanas vienmēr atvienojiet spraud kontaktu no kontaktligzdas 1 Lokanās caurules pievienošana putekļu sūcējam Ievietojiet lokano cau...

Страница 21: ...ģījums Iemesls Risinājums Nedarbojas motors Spraudnis ir nepareizi vai nepietiekami pievienots elektrotīklam Pārbaudiet spraudņa savienojumu Elektrotīkla rozete nav darba kārtībā Pārbaudiet spriegumu piemēram pieslēdzot citu ierīci Motors vairs nedarbojas Nepareiza vai nepietiekama gaisa plūsma Ir aktivizēts motora pārkaršanas drošinātājs Atvienojiet vadu no kontakta Pārbaudiet un atlaidiet gaisa ...

Страница 22: ...ие да използват уреда дръжте го далеч от тях Хора с ограничени сетивни физически и умствени възможности или хора незапознати с инструкци ята трябва да използват уреда само под надзора на отговорно запознато лице Бъдете изключително внимателни когато използвате уреда в близост до деца Не позволявайте уредът да се използва като играчка Не използвайте уреда на открито или върху мокра повърхност има о...

Страница 23: ...чката за прах и филтрите При всяко използване на уреда се уверете че торбичката за прах и филтрите са правилно поставени Не потапяйте захранващия кабел щепсела или уреда във вода или други течности Проверявайте редовно уреда и захранващия кабел за повреди Не използвайте повреден уред Преди почистване и след използването на уреда го изключете извадете от контакта захранващия кабел и оставете уреда ...

Страница 24: ...се почистват с мека четка и хладка вода ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ЗА ЕКСПЛОАТАЦИЯ МОНТИРАНЕ НА ПРАХОСМУКАЧКАТА ВНИМАНИЕ Винаги изваждайте щепсела от контакта преди да монтирате или демон тирате принадлежностите 1 Поставяне на гъвкавия маркуч в прахосмукачката Поставете гъвка вия маркуч в отвора за всмукване на въздух Натиснете докато чуете щракане нагласена е идеалната позиция За да извадите гъвкавия маркуч нати...

Страница 25: ...то му Забележка Влажното почистване може да допринесе за по бързото износване на филтъра и така да съкрати живота му 3 Поставете почистения или новия въздушен филтър в прахосмукачката и затворете мрежата за пропускане на въздух ОТСТРАНЯВАНЕ НА ПРОБЛЕМИ Проблем Причина Решение Не работи моторът Щепселът е неправилно или недостатъчно включен в контата Проверете щепсела Липса на напрежение в електрич...

Страница 26: ...culties or mental capabilities or people unfamiliar with the appliance operation are only allowed to use it when supervised by responsible knowledgeable people Be especially careful when there are children near the appliance Do not allow the appliance to be used as a toy Do not use the appliance outdoors or on wet surfaces as there is a threat of electric shock in these places Do not use any other...

Страница 27: ...liance on if it is damaged Prior to cleaning and after using the appliance turn it off disconnect it from the electric voltage outlet and let it cool Before using the appliance remove any large or sharp items from the surface you want to vacuum as these items may damage the dust collection bag or the appliance s filters Do not use the appliance if the filters are dirty Never repair the appliance b...

Страница 28: ... filter will be damaged by vacuuming Do not use a hair dryer to dry it OPERATING MANUAL ASSEMBLY OF THE VACUUM CLEANER NOTE Before fixing or removing accessories always pull the plug out of the electrical socket 1 Connecting the flexible hose to the appliance Insert the flexible hose into the appliance s air suction inlet Continue pushing until you hear a clicking sound which indicates that the co...

Страница 29: ...ectly or insufficiently Check the plug connection The mains outlet is not live Check for voltage e g by connecting another appliance Motor has stopped operating Improper or insufficient air flow Motor overheating fuse activated Disconnect the cable from the socket Check and release the air suction and discharge holes check the filter s cleanliness and or replace the dust bag Let the vacuum cleaner...

Страница 30: ...e den Stecker und durch Herausziehen trennen Sie ihn ab Lassen Sie nicht zu dass Kinder und Unbefugte das Gerät handhaben und benutzen Sie es außerhalb von ihrer Reichweite Die Personen mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit mit verminderter Sinneswahrnehmung mit unzureichen den geistigen Fähigkeiten oder die mit der Bedienung nicht vertraut gemachten Personen müssen das Gerät nur unter Aufsicht einer ...

Страница 31: ...cker oder das Gerät weder Wasser noch in andere Flüssig keiten ein Überprüfen Sie das Gerät und das Anschlusskabel regelmäßig auf Beschädigungen Schalten Sie ein beschädigtes Gerät nicht ein Vor dem Reinigen und nach dem Einsatz schalten Sie das Gerät aus trennen Sie es von der Steckdose ab und lassen Sie es abkühlen Vor dem Saugen entfernen Sie von der abzusaugenden Oberfläche große oder scharfe ...

Страница 32: ...ein und schließen Sie die Abdeckung des Staubsaugers BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG ZUSAMMENBAUEN DES STAUBSAUGERS HINWEIS Vor dem Zusammenbau oder Abnehmen des Zubehörs ziehen Sie stets den Stecker aus der Steckdose mit elektrischer Spannung heraus 1 Anschluss des biegsamen Schlauches an den Staubsauger Schieben Sie den biegsamen Schlauch in die Luftsaugöffnung des Staub saugers ein Drücken Sie bis Sie eine...

Страница 33: ...einer weichen Bürste gereinigt werden Ein stark verschmutzter Filter kann nach diesem Schritt abgewaschen und mit einer weichen Bürste unter lauwarmem Wasser ohne Reinigungsmittel gereinigt werden Es ist wichtig die nassen Teile gründlich trocknen zu lassen Der feuchte Filter könnte durch das Saugen vernichtet werden Verwenden Sie zum Trocknen keinen Haartrockner Anmerkung Die Nassreinigung kann e...

Страница 34: ...CZ Záruční podmínky SK Záručné podmienky PL Karta gwarancyjna HU Garanciális feltételek LV Garantijas talons BG Гаранционни условия EN Warranty Certificate ...

Страница 35: ... nároku Vyřízení reklamace Jedná li se o odstranitelnou vadu má spotřebitel prá vo na bezplatné včasné a řádné odstranění vady Není li to vzhledem k povaze vady neúměrné může spotřebitel požadovat dodání nového výrobku bez vad výměnu nebo týká li se vada jen součásti vý robku výměnu takové součásti Je li však požadavek na výměnu výrobku nebo jeho součásti vzhledem k povaze vady neúměrný zejména lz...

Страница 36: ...návode na obsluhu výrobku k vade došlo vplyvom mechanického tepelného alebo chemického poškodenia skratom prepätím v sieti alebo nesprávnou inštaláciou k vade došlo neodborným zásahom tretej osoby k vade došlo pri živelnej udalosti k vade došlo nedostatočnou alebo nevhod nou údržbou v rozpore s návodom k obsluhe vrátane závad spôsobených vodnými a inými usadeninami k zmene farby výhrevných plôch a...

Страница 37: ...dłowej instalacji wada rzeczy wystąpiła w wyniku działań osób trzecich wada rzeczy wystąpiła w wyniku klęski żywiołowej wada rzeczy wystąpiła w wyniku nieodpowiedniej lub niewłaściwej konserwacji niezgodnej z in strukcją obsługi w tym wady spowodowane przez wodę i inne osady wystąpiły zmiany kolorystyki elementów grzew czych oraz zarysowania powierzchni wynikające z użytkowania wystąpiły wizualne ...

Страница 38: ...ónak kiszámlázza a reklamáció jogosultságának kivizsgálásával valamint megoldásával kapcsolatos elengedhetetlen költségeket A termék díjmentes javítására ill a termék visz szaváltására való jog nem érvényesíthető az alábbi esetekben ha a termék használati utasításában feltüntetett telepítési üzemeltetési és kezelési feltételeket nem tartották be ha a meghibásodás mechanikai hő vagy vegyi sérülés m...

Страница 39: ... ja bojājums ir radies trešās personas neprofesionā las rīcības rezultātā ja bojājums ir radies dabas katastrofas rezultātā ja bojājums ir radies nepietiekošas vai nepiemē rotas aprūpes dēļ kas ir pretrunā ar lietošanas instrukciju tostarp bojājumi ko ir izraisījušas ūdens vai citas nogulsnes ja izstrādājuma vai tā daļas nolietojums ir radies parastas lietošanas rezultātā ja apsildes laukumu krāsa...

Страница 40: ...тът подлежи на отстраняване потребите лят има право на безплатно навременно и надлеж но отстраняване на дефекта Ако поради характера на дефекта това не е възмож но потребителят може да поиска доставка на нов изправен продукт замяна или ако дефектът се от нася до компонент на продукта замяна на този ком понент Но ако искането за замяна на продукта или на негов компонент е несъразмерно с характера н...

Страница 41: ...ns caused due to mechanical heat or chemical damage short circuit over voltage or incorrect installation to malfunctions caused by an inexpert third party intervention to malfunctions caused by natural disaster to malfunctions caused by insufficient or inappro priate maintenance in violation of the operating manual including malfunctions caused by water and other sediments to changes in colour of ...

Страница 42: ...CZ Seznam servisních míst SK Zoznam servisných stredisiek PL Wykaz punktów servisovych HU Szolgáltatók listáját ...

Страница 43: ...š Jaroslav Komenského 38 010 01 Žilina 041 5640627 041 5640627 mservis zoznam sk T V A servis s r o Južná trieda 48 D 040 01 Košice 055 6338501 055 6233537 tvaservis nextra sk VILLA MARKET s r o Odborárov 49 052 01 Spišská Nová Ves 053 4421857 053 4426030 villamarket eta stonline sk X TECH s r o Gorkého 2 036 01 Martin 043 4288211 043 4308993 servis x tech sk ZMJ elektroservis Hatalova 341 029 01 ...

Страница 44: ...A B C D E F G C B A D E E F G 47 7 665 2013 I ABCDEFG ABCDEFG ABCDEFG E 80dB kWh annum VP8060 ...

Страница 45: ...renčín Tel 421 326 583 465 Fax 421 326 583 466 www my concept sk PL Elko Valenta Polska Sp Z o o Ostrowskiego 30 53 238 Wroclaw Tel 48 71 339 04 44 Fax 71 339 04 14 www my concept pl HU Metaker Kft 2851 Környe Alkotmány út 6 10 Telefon fax 06 34 473 675 473 550 473 695 LV Verners VT Ltd Piedrujas iela 5a Riga Latvia Tel 371 67021021 fakss 371 67021000 e pasts info verners lv www verners lv ...
