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VP8290 | VP8291

VP8290 | VP8291

If the noted defect is not removable, or if the custom-

er becomes entitled to replacement of the product or 

a part thereof, yet the replacement is not possible, 

for example due to the product having been sold 

out, the customer has the right to return the product 

(withdrawal from the contract). 

The customer shall have the right to a new product (re-

placement) or to replacement of a part of the product 

even if the defect can be removed, provided they can-

not properly use the product due to repeated occur-

rence of the defect or due to a high number of such de-

fects. In such a case, the customer also has the right to 

return the product (by withdrawing from the contract).

If the product is not returned (the customer does 

not withdraw from the contract), or if the customer 

does not apply the right to a new defect-free product 

(replacement), to replacement of a part thereof or to 

repair of the product, they may request a reasonable 

discount. The customer also has a right to a reason-

able discount if a new defect-free product cannot 

be supplied to them, or if a product part cannot be 

replaced or the product repaired unless the situation 

is remedied within a reasonable time limit, or if rem-

edying the situation would create major discomfort 

on the part of the customer.

The seller, authorised service centre or a staff member 

authorised by them must decide about each complaint 

immediately or within three business days in complicat-

ed cases.  This term does not include areasonable period 

of time, depending on the type of product concerned, 

required for the defect to be assessed by an expert. 

A complaint, including defect removal, must be dealt 

with without any undue delay, yet no later than within 

30 calendar days of the complaint filing date, unless 

the seller and the customer agree on a later deadline. 

On returning the product (withdrawing from the 

contract) the customer must return any accessories 

and documents supplied along with the product.

The customer does not have the right to keep the 

defective parts and components of the product 

replaced as part of a repair of the product.  

This shall be without prejudice to any other rights the 

customer may have in relation to the purchase of the 


Remark: Complaints against products damaged in 

transport are governed by the carrier’s complaints 



Jindřich Valenta - Concept

Vysokomýtská 1800, 565 01 Choceň

Czech Republic

tel.: +420 465 471 400

fax +420 465 473 304

Company ID No. 13216660 

email: [email protected]


Product data


Production number:

Date of purchase:

Seal and signature of vendor:




The manufacturer (or importer) is responsible for en-

suring the product complies with the requirements of 

applicable legal regulations as well as those of the rel-

evant technical standards. Moreover, they are respon-

sible for ensuring the product has the properties the 

manufacturer described in documents related to the 

goods or those reasonably expected by the customer 

with regard to the nature of the goods or based on 

advertising produced by the manufacturer, and fur-

ther they are responsible for ensuring the product is 

fit for the purpose proposed by the manufacturer or 

that a product of the same type is normally used for. 

The quality warranty term is 24 months from product 

takeover by the customer.

The warranty does not apply to wear and tear caused 

by regular use. The customer shall not be entitled to 

any warranty claims if, prior to taking the product 

over, they knew the product contained a defect or if 

the defect is attributable to the customer.  

The warranty specifically does not apply:

•  if the product installation, operation and service 

conditions stipulated in the product operating 

manual have not been adhered to, 

•  to malfunctions caused due to mechanical, heat 

or chemical damage, short circuit, over voltage or 

incorrect installation,

•  to malfunctions caused by an inexpert third-party 


•  to malfunctions caused by natural disaster,

•  to malfunctions caused by insufficient or inappro-

priate maintenance in violation of the operating 

manual, including malfunctions caused by water 

and other sediments,

•  to changes in colour of the heating surface or to 

scratching of the surface caused as a result of us-

ing the products in an unusual manner,

•  to appearance and functional changes caused by 

exposure to sunlight, thermal radiation of water 

and other sediments,

•  if the service life of certain product parts expires, 

e.g. for accumulators, bulbs, etc.

The warranty does not apply to any products and 

services provided along with the product (gifts, 

promotional articles, etc.).  

Filing a complaint

A complaint against a product defect must be filed as 

soon as identified, yet no later than before the end of 

the warranty term. 

The customer must file a product complaint with 

the dealer from which they have purchased the 

product, or with any authorised service centre, a list 

of  which is included in the product package, or available 


While filing a product complaint, the product must 

be duly cleaned and securely packed so as to prevent 

any damage during its transport to an authorised 

service centre, where relevant, unless the product is 

delivered in person. 

The customer must submit proof of having concluded 

a purchase contract for the product by producing the 


While filing their complaint, the customer must 

indicate the noted defect and identify the preferred 

complaint application method. 

Complaints processing

As long as the noted defect may be removed, the user 

has the right to have the defect duly removed free of 

charge on a timely basis.

Where such a procedure is not reasonable with 

regard to the nature of the defect, the user may 

require to be supplied a new defect-free product 

(replacement), or, where the defect applies to a

part of the product only, replacement of the part 

concerned.  However, if replacement of the product 

or  any  part  thereof is not proportionate with regard 

to the nature of the defect, especially if the defect can 

be removed without undue delay, the customer has 

the right to have the defect removed free of charge.

Содержание 8595631006894

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Страница 13: ...ieć lepszy dostęp do filtra silnika 3 Wyjąć filtr silnika Rys 4 Filtr można czyścić przez wytrzepywanie Jeżeli filtr jest mocno zabrudzony można go obmyć letnią wodą i pozostawić do wysuszenia Rys 3 Rys 4 Rys 5 VP 8290 PL 24 CZYSZCZENIE I WYMIANA FILTRA WYDMUCHU POWIETRZA 1 Otworzyć kratkę wydmuchu powietrza w tylnej części odkurzacza Rys 5 2 Wyjąć filtr wydmuchu powietrza Filtr tego typu można cz...

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Страница 16: ...edén fordítsa el A billenőkapcsoló 2 ábra a kefe kitolására sima felület porszívózása vagy a kefe behúzására szőnyeg porszívózása szolgál TARTOZÉKOK 1 Résszívó fej A nehezen hozzáférhető helyek porszívózására szolgál pl radiátor sarkok bútorok alatt kárpitozott bútor párnái között stb A PORSZÍVÓ HASZNÁLATA A porszívó használatba vétele előtt ellenőrizze hogy a szűrők és a porzsák megfelelően a hel...

Страница 17: ... ábra A szűrőből a port ki lehet rázni Ha a szűrő nagyon poros akkor azt langyos vízben ki lehet mosni de utána tökéletesen meg kell szárítani 4 Helyezze a megtisztított vagy új motorszűrőt a porszívóba tegye vissza a porzsákot és zárja le a porszívó fedelét 3 ábra 4 ábra 5 ábra VP 8290 HU 32 A KIMENETI SZŰRŐ TISZTÍTÁSA ÉS CSERÉJE Vegye ki a kimeneti szűrőt 5 ábra A szűrőből a porlerakódásokat kir...

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Страница 20: ...īrīšanas uzgaļa iestatīšana uz teleskopiskās caurules Ievietojiet teleskopisko cauruli grīdas tīrīšanas uzgalī un nedaudz pagrieziet Vārsts 2 att ļauj iestatīt grīdas tīrīšanas uzgali birstēšanai līdzenām grīdām vai vienmērīgai tīrīšanai paklājiem PIEDERUMI 1 Rievotais uzgalis Kombinētais rievotais uzgalis ir izstrādāts tīrīšanas vietām ar sarežģītu piekļuvi piemēram radiatoriem spraugām stūriem p...

Страница 21: ...pakratot to Ja filtrs ir ļoti netīrs to var mazgāt remdenā ūdenī Pirms atkārtotas lietošanas ļaujiet filtram pilnīgi izžūt 4 evietojiet iztīrīto vai jauno motora filtru putekļu sūcējā un aizveriet pārsegu IZPLŪDES GAISA FILTRA TĪRĪŠANA UN MAIŅA 1 Atveriet gaisa izplūdes režģi putekļu sūcēja aizmugurējā daļā 5 att Att 3 Att 4 Att 5 VP 8290 LV 40 2 Izņemiet gaisa izplūdes filtru Šā tipa putekļu sūcē...

Страница 22: ...от марката Concept и Ви желаем да бъдете доволни от нашия продукт през цялото време на неговото ползване Преди първото използване моля прочетете внимателно цялата инструкция за експлоатация и след това я съхранете Уверете се че и останалите хора които ще използват уреда са се запознали с инструкцията ВАЖНИ ПРЕПОРЪКИ ЗА БЕЗОПАСНОСТ Използвайте уреда само според написаното в тази инструкция Преди пъ...

Страница 23: ...а във влажни помещения не чистете с него влажни неща или течности запали ми течности като бензин и не използвайте уреда в места където може да има такива вещества Никога не чистете с прахосмукачката без да използвате торбичката за прах и филтрите При всяко използване на уреда се уверете че торбичката за прах и филтрите са правилно поставени Не потапяйте захранващия кабел щепсела или уреда във вода...

Страница 24: ... изтеглете по малката тръба навън 4 Поставяне на дюзата за почистване на пода към телескопичната тръба Поставете телескопичната тръба в дюзата и леко завъртете Клапанът Фиг 2 служи за превключване на дюзата за функцията почистване с четка за гладки повърхности или за почистване с прибрана четка за килими Принадлежности 1 Дюза за тесни процепи Служи за почистване на труднодостъпни места например ра...

Страница 25: ...вкавия маркуч отворете корпуса на прахосмукачката 2 За по добър достъп до мотора извадете от държателя торбичката за прах 3 Извадете филтъра на мотора Фиг 4 Можете да почистите филтъра като го изтупате Ако е много замърсен може да го измиете с хладка вода и да го оставите добре да изсъхне 4 Сложете новия или чистия филтър на мотора в прахосмукачката и затворете корпуса Фиг 3 Фиг 4 Фиг 5 VP 8290 BG...

Страница 26: ...а такива промени VP 8290 EN 51 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thank you for purchasing a Concept product We hope you will be satisfied with our product throughout its service life Please study the entire Operating Manual carefully before you start using the product Keep the manual in a safe place for future reference Make sure that any persons handling the vacuum cleaner are also familiar with this Operating Man...

Страница 27: ...nly notforcommercialuse Do not vacuum any burning items such as cigarettes matches or hot ash Do not use the appliance in wet rooms do not vacuum any wet items or liquids flammable liquids such as petrol and do not use the appliance in places where these substances may be present Never vacuum without using the dust collection bag or the appliance s filters Before each using the appliance make sure...

Страница 28: ...lescopic tube into the floor attachment and turn it slightly The flap Fig 2 is used for setting the floor attachment to brushing for smooth floors or to smooth vacuuming for carpets ACCESSORIES 1 Slot nozzle The slot nozzle adapter is used for vacuuming places that are difficult to access such as radiators slots corners pedestals spaces between upholstery and others USING THE APLIANCE Before using...

Страница 29: ...E MOTOR FILTER 1 Disconnect the flexible hose and open the appliance cover 2 Pull the dust collection bag out of its holder so that you can access the motor filter more easily Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5 VP 8290 EN 56 3 Remove the motor filter Fig 4 You can clean the filter by tapping it If the filter is heavily soiled you may wash it in lukewarm water and let it dry properly 4 Insert the cleaned or new mot...

Страница 30: ... Ihnen dass Sie mit diesem Produkt über seine gesamte Gebrauchsdauer zufrieden sein werden Lesen Sie vor dem ersten Gebrauch die Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig durch und bewahren Sie diese gut auf Stellen Sie sicher dass auch andere Personen die den Staubsauger benutzen werden sich mit dieser Anleitung vertraut gemacht haben WICHTIGE SICHERHEITSHINWEISE Benutzen Sie das Gerät nicht auf andere Weis...

Страница 31: ...Gebrauch im Haushalt geeignet es ist nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke vorgesehen SaugenSiekeinebrennendenGegenstände wieZigaretten Streichhölzer oder heiße Asche auf Setzen Sie das Gerät nicht in feuchten Räumen ein saugen Sie keine feuchten Gegenstände oder Flüssigkeiten brennbare Flüssigkeiten wie Benzin auf und verwenden Sie das Gerät auch nicht in Räumlichkeiten in denen diese Stoff e vorzufinden...

Страница 32: ...etzen der Fußbodendüse auf das Teleskoprohr Setzen Sie das Teleskoprohr in die Fußbodendüse ein und drehen Sie es ein wenig Die Klappe Abb 2 dient zum Umschalten der Saugdüse für Fußboden in die Bürstenstellung für glatte Fußböden oder zum glatten Absaugen für Teppiche ZUBEHÖR 1 Saugdüse mit Schlitz Dient zum Absaugen von schwer zugänglichen Bereichen wie z B Heizkörpern Lücken Ecken Podes ten Pol...

Страница 33: ...teckdose mit elektrischer Spannung Geeignete Filtertypen können Sie bei Ihrem Händler kaufen oder beim Hersteller bestellen Abb 3 Abb 4 Abb 5 VP 8290 DE 64 REINIGUNG UND WECHSEL DES MOTORFILTERS 1 Nach dem Abtrennen des biegsamen Schlauches öffnen Sie die Abdeckung des Staubsaugers 2 Den Staubbeutel schieben Sie aus dem Halter heraus sodass Sie einen besseren Zugriff zum Motorfilter haben 3 Nehmen...

Страница 34: ...n haben Dieses Produkt erfüllt die grundlegenden Anforderungen der EU Richtlinien die für sie gelten Änderungen am Text Design und technische Spezifikationen können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern und wir behalten uns das Recht sie zu ändern VP 8290 FR 67 REMERCIEMENT Nous vous remercions d avoir acheté le produit de la marque Concept et nous espérons qu il vous apportera votre entière sati...

Страница 35: ... aucun objet brulant ou fumant tel que les cigarettes les allumettes ou de la cendre chaude Ne pas utiliser l appareil dans des locaux humides ne pas aspirer d objets humides de liquides de liquides inflammables tels que l essence et ne pas utiliser l appareil dans des locaux pouvant contenir de tels produits Ne jamais aspirer sans sac à poussière ou filtres Avant de commencer à utiliser l aspirat...

Страница 36: ...ou aspiration des tapis position sans brosse ACCESSOIRES 1 Suceur plat À utiliser pour nettoyer les endroits difficilement accessibles tels que les radiateurs trous coins socles parties entre les surfaces textiles etc UTILISATION DE L ASPIRATEUR Avant la première utilisation s assurer que les filtres et le sac à poussière sont correctement mis en place Dérouler la longueur adéquate du cordon La ma...

Страница 37: ...eur accès au moteur 3 Retirer le filtre du moteur Fig 4 Le filtre peut être nettoyé en le tapotant S il est très sale il peut être lavé à l eau tiède il est important de le laisser bien sécher 4 Insérer un filtre nettoyé ou neuf et refermer le couvercle Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5 VP 8290 FR 72 NETTOYAGE ET REMPLACEMENT DU FILTRE DE SORTIE D AIR 1 Ouvrez la grille de sortie d air à l arrière de l aspirateur...

Страница 38: ...TO Grazie per aver acquisito il prodotto di marchio Concept Vi auguriamo che vi dia la massima soddisfazione per tutta la durata della sua vita utile Si consiglia di leggere attentamente l intero manuale d uso prima di procedere al primo uso dell apparecchio conservare bene il manuale d uso Provvedere che tutte le persone addette all uso del prodotto facciano la conoscenza del manuale d uso IMPORT...

Страница 39: ... segno rosso L apparecchio acquisito è adatto solo per uso domestico non per uso commerciale Non aspirare gli oggetti ardenti quali mozziconi fiammiferi o ceneri Non utilizzare l apparecchio nelle stanze umide non aspirare oggetti umidi liquidi infiammabili quale benzina e non utilizzare l apparecchio nei locali dove liquidi infiammabili possono trovarsi Non utilizzare mai l aspirapolvere senza sa...

Страница 40: ...a la spazzola per pavimenti lisci e l aspirazione semplice per moquette ACCESSORI 1 Bocchetta a fessura Serve per raccogliere la polvere nei posti difficilmente raggiungibili quali radiatori fessure angoli supporti angoli divani etc USO DELL ASPIRAPOLVERE Prima di utilizzare l aspirapolvere assicurarsi che siano posizionati correttamente il filtro e il sacchetto raccogli polvere Svolgere la lunghe...

Страница 41: ... di rimontarlo lasciarlo asciugare bene 4 Inserire il filtro motore pulito o uno nuovo e chiudere il coperchio dell aspirapolvere Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5 VP 8290 IT 80 PULIZIA E SOSTITUZIONE DEL FILTRO ALL USCITAARIA 1 Aprire la griglia all uscita dell aria nella parte posteriore dell aspirapolvere Fig 5 2 Estrarre il filtro all uscita dell aria Il filtro dell aspirapolvere può essere pulito meccanicame...

Страница 42: ... suoi parametri tecnici VP 8290 ES 83 AGRADECIMIENTO Gracias por comprar este producto de la marca Concept y esperamos que quede satisfecho con él durante todo el tiempo que lo use Antes de usar el producto lea con cuidado todo el manual y luego guárdelo Asegúrese de que las demás personas que vayan a utilizar el producto se familiaricen con el presente manual ADVERTENCIAS IMPORTANTES DE SEGURIDAD...

Страница 43: ...ți obiecte aprinse cum ar fi țigări chibrituri sau cenușă fierbinte Nu utilizați aparatul în încăperi umede nu aspirați obiecte umede sau lichide lichide inflamabile cum este benzina și nu utilizați aspiratorul în spațiile unde se pot găsi aceste substanțe Nu aspirați niciodată fără folosirea sacului de praf sau cu aspiratorul fără filtre Înainte de fiecare folosire a aparatului asigurați vă că sa...

Страница 44: ...e la boquilla para pisos para pisos suaves o para aspirar suave alfombras ACCESORIOS 1 Boquilla para rincones Sirve para aspirar en lugares de difícil acceso como radiadores hendiduras esquinas zócalos espacios entre tapizados etc USO DE LA ASPIRADORA Antes de usar verifique que los filtros y la bolsa estén correctamente colocados Desenrolle la longitud de cable adecuada La marca amarilla indica l...

Страница 45: ...uede sacudirlo Si está muy sucio lo puede lavar en agua tibia y dejarlo secar bien 4 Coloque el filtro nuevo o limpio y cierre la cubierta Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5 VP 8290 ES 88 LIMPIEZA Y CAMBIO DEL FILTRO SALIDA DE AIRE 1 Abra la rejilla de salida de aire en la parte trasera de la aspiradora Fig 5 2 Cambie el filtro de salida de aire El filtro puede limpiarse sacudiéndolo mecánicamente y con un cepillo...

Страница 46: ...cos Procurar la correcta liquidación del producto ayuda a prevenir efectos negativos en el medio ambiente y la salud humana que podrían ser resultar de la liquidación incorrecta del producto Podrá obtener información más detallada sobre el reciclaje del producto en la autoridad local el servicio de tratamiento de residuos correspondiente o la tienda en donde fue adquirido El producto cumple con to...

Страница 47: ... tohoto druhu obvykle používá Záruční doba za jakost výrobku trvá 24 měsíců od data převzetí výrobku spotřebitelem Záruka se nevztahuje na opotřebení výrobku způ sobené jeho obvyklým užíváním Právo z vadného plnění spotřebiteli nenáleží pokud před převzetím výrobku věděl že výrobek má vadu anebo pokud vadu sám způsobil Záruka se nevztahuje na případy kdy zejména nebyly dodrženy podmínky pro instal...

Страница 48: ...í k účelu ktorý pre jeho použitie výrobca uvádza alebo ku ktorému sa vec tohto druhu obvykle používa Záručná doba za akosť výrobku trvá 24 mesiacov od dátumu prevzatia výrobku spotrebiteľom Záruka sa nevzťahuje na opotrebenie výrobku spô sobené jeho obvyklým používaním Právo z vadného plnenia spotrebiteľovi nenáleží pokiaľ pred prevza tím výrobku vedel že výrobok má vadu alebo pokiaľ vadu sám spôs...

Страница 49: ...elów konsumpcyj nych do których ma zastosowanie lub do których stosuje się zwykle tego rodzaju produkt Okres gwarancji wynosi 24 miesiące oddaty otrzyma nia produktu przez konsumenta Gwarancja nie obejmuje uszkodzeń mechanicznych spowodowanych użytkowaniem Prawo gwarancji za wady rzeczy nie przysługuje jeżeli klient wiedział przed zakupem że produkt ma wadę lub usterkę lub sam ją spowodował Gwaran...

Страница 50: ...n meg kell tisztítani és biztonságosan be kell csomagolni nehogy megsérülhessen az esetleges márkaszerviz be szállítás során A szennyezett termék átvételét az eladó elutasíthatja illetve adott esetben kiszámláz hatja a fogyasztónak a termék tisztítási költségeit A gyártó ill forgalmazó fenntartja a jogot arra hogy a jogosulatlan reklamációkkal kapcsolatos költségeket ne térítse meg valamint hogy a...

Страница 51: ...soša garantijas apliecība Ar pretenzijām par bojājumiem patērētājam jāgriežas tirdzniecības vietā kur izstrādājums tika iegādāts Bo jājumu labošanu var pieteikt tajā pašā tirdzniecības vietā kur tika iegādāts izstrādājums vai arī kādā no autorizētajiem servisa centriem kuru saraksts ir norā dīts iepakojuma sastāvā vai arī varat to atrast tīmekļa vietnē www my concept com Brīdinājums patērētājam Pa...

Страница 52: ...ка е отговорен за това че продуктът има такива характеристики каквито производителят е оп исал в документите на продукта или отговаря на потребителските очакваните с оглед на характера на продукта и въз основа на провежданата от про изводителя реклама както и за това че продуктът е подходящ за използване съгласно посоченото от производителя или според целта за която този вид продукти се използват ...

Страница 53: ...e goods or those reasonably expected by the customer with regard to the nature of the goods or based on advertising produced by the manufacturer and fur ther they are responsible for ensuring the product is fit for the purpose proposed by the manufacturer or that a product of the same type is normally used for The quality warranty term is 24 months from product takeover by the customer The warrant...

Страница 54: ... die von ihm angeführten Zwecke geeignet ist Die Garantielaufzeit beträgt 24 Monate und beginnt mit der Produktübernahme durch den Verbraucher zu laufen Die Garantie bezieht sich nicht auf Mängel durch Verschleiß Der Garantieanspruch gilt nicht wenn dem Verbraucher vor der Produktübernahme Mängel bekannt waren oder er diese selbst verursacht hat Ausgenommen von der Garantie sind insbesondere Nicht...

Страница 55: ...uit et sur la base de publicité du fabricant il est également tenu responsable du fait que le produit est propre aux usages auxquels servent habituellement les biens du même type La durée de garantie en terme de qualité du produit est de 24 mois à partir de la date de l acquisition du produit par le consommateur La garantie ne s applique pas à l usure du produit résultant de son usage habituel La ...

Страница 56: ...ente La garanzia non si riferisce all usura del prodotto provocata dall uso normale del prodotto stesso Il diritto di sostituzione della merce per difetto sul prodotto non spetta all utente se quest ultimo era al corrente del rispettivo difetto prima di accettare la merce o se il difetto lo aveva causato lui stesso La garanzia non si riferisce ai seguenti casi quando in particolare non sono state ...

Страница 57: ...aleza del producto y la publicidad llevada a cabo por el fabricante y es también su responsabilidad que el producto sea adecuado para el propósito indicado o para su uso habitual La garantía por la calidad del producto es válida por 24 meses a partir de su entrega al consumidor La garantía no cubre el desgaste resultante del uso habitual El derecho a reclamación no será aplicable si antes de haber...

Страница 58: ... Rustaveliho 7 831 06 Bratislava 02 44889832 hospol hospol sk T V A servis s r o Južná trieda 48 D 040 01 Košice 055 6338501 tvaservis tvaservis sk VILLA MARKET s r o Odborárov 49 052 01 Spišská Nová Ves 053 4421857 servis villamarket sk ELSPO BB s r o Internátna 2318 24 974 01 Banská Bystrica 048 4135535 objednavky elektroobchod elspo sk Polska Nazwa Ulica Kod Miasto Telefon E mail CONCEPT POLSKA...

Страница 59: ...6 www my concept sk PL CONCEPT POLSKA Sp z o o Ostrowskiego 30 53 238 Wroclaw Tel 48 71 339 04 44 Fax 71 339 04 14 www my concept pl HU esbr Kft 2481 Velence Nyar u 2 A Tel 36 70 881 0167 email info esbr hu LV Verners VT Ltd Piedrujas iela 5a Riga Latvia Tel 371 67021021 fakss 371 67021000 e pasts info verners lv www verners lv HR Horvat elektronika d o o Dravska 8 HR 40305 Pušćine servis horvat e...
