Out Errors
Number of received AAL5/AAL0 CPCS PDUs that could not be
transmitted due to errors.
In Discards
Number of received AAL5/AAL0 CPCS PDUs discarded due to an
input buffer overflow condition.
Out Discards
This field is not currently used
AAL5 VCC Statistics
ATM Virtual Path/Channel Identifiers
CRC Errors
Number of PDUs received with CRC-32 errors
SAR TimeOuts
Number of partially re-assembled PDUs that were discarded
because they were not fully re-assembled within the required
period of time. If the re-assembly time is not supported, then
this object contains a zero value.
Oversized SDUs Number of PDUs discarded because the corresponding SDU was
too large
Short Packet
Number of PDUs discarded because the PDU length was less
than the size of the AAL5 trailer
Length Errors
Number of PDUs discarded because the PDU length did not
match the length in the AAL5 trailer