- 5 -
3. Slide the 1" OD element that has the EXTREN
insulators installed in the U-Bolts as shown
below. Adjust the EXTREN
insulators so they are centered on the U-Bolts. Tighten the U-
Bolts evenly so the length of the exposed threads is approximately equal. Any U-Bolt should be
tightened evenly from side-to-side with an equal amount of thread above each nut.
4. Install the studded band clamp (antenna feedpoint) at the bottom of the 1" OD aluminum
element as shown below. Use a small amount of Penetrox A between the studded band clamp
and the 1" OD aluminum element.
5. Assemble the vertical sections as shown in
Figure 1
using the stainless steel element clamps
allowing a 6 inch overlap between the element sections. Slide all the clamps over each section
before putting them together. You can lightly tighten the clamps just
below the slits in each section to hold them until needed. Align the clamp
screws on each section to face the same direction. At final assembly, body
of the clamp should be positioned between the slits in the tubes and 1/8"
from the edge of each tube as shown to the right. When assembled as
shown you will have an overall length of 17 feet. During tuning, you will
make slight adjustments to get the center frequency to where you want it.