- 4 -
The wire radials should placed as symmetrically as possible around the vertical antenna and spaced
evenly, regardless of how many radials are used. Do not cross or bunch any radial wires as this
nullifies their effectiveness. If you have limited space, put in as many straight radials as you can.
The radial wires can be attached to the vertical using the lower left V-Bolt Saddle nut. Connect the
shield of your feedline to the same V-bolt so your feedline shield is connected to the same point as
the radials. The DX Engineering
Stainless Steel Radial Plate is an ideal optional
item which provides an excellent system for attaching radial wires to your vertical antenna system.
If an elevated mount is used, the use of four or more quarter-wave resonant radials must be attached
near the feedpoint and arranged in all directions away from the antenna.
Note: Jet-Lube SS-30 (JTL-12555) should be used between all antenna element sections. Jet
Lube SS-30 is an electrical joint compound to affect a substantial electrical connection
between metal parts such as telescoping aluminum tubing or other antenna pieces. It
ensures high conductivity at all voltage levels by displacing moisture and preventing
corrosion or oxidation. Jet-Lube should also be used on all clamps, bolts and stainless
steel threaded hardware to prevent galling and to ensure proper tightening.
1. Slide the two EXTREN
element insulators over the bottom of the 1" OD x 72" aluminum
element (the slit in this 1" OD aluminum element goes toward the top of the antenna).
The distance from the bottom insulator to the end of the 1" OD element should be 3/4" to allow
room for the feedpoint which is mounted in a later step. The distance between EXTREN
element insulators is 5".
2. Assemble the Saddle Clamps loosely (on the pre-drilled aluminum plate) using the flat washers,
lock washers, nuts and U-Bolts as shown below.