Tipping Bucket
Rain Gage
Check that the screen, bucket assembly and drainage holes
are free of debris. The bucket and inner funnel should be
carefully wiped clean.
Every six months the two bucket pivot points should be
lubricated with a drop of light oil.
Once a year check that the gage is level and adjust if
The rain gage has been calibrated at the factory.
Verification of Calibration
Table 2
Calibration Volume
Units of Calibration
Volume of water
16.215 ml
8.11 ml
0.2 mm
6.48 ml
0.01 inch
8.24 ml
1. Wet rain gage surfaces.
2. Refer to Table 2. Pour water into gage at rate of
approximately 0.5 ml / second.
3. Check that bucket tips 2 as averaged over 5 tips
of the bucket.
1. Release the 4 locknuts on the calibration screws that the
bucket rests on.
2. Wet all gage surfaces and empty excess water from
3. Refer to Table 2 and using a flow rate of 0.5 ml /second
drip water through the funnel noting how much water it
takes to tip the bucket.
4. If the bucket tips too soon, adjust the screws downward.
If the bucket tips too late, adjust them upward.
5. When the required calibration is obtained tighten all
locknuts simultaneously.
6. Verify calibration as above.