1. Refer to Figure 3. The two wires from the gage should
be attached to terminals 3 & 4 on the Transmitter circuit
board. Polarity is not important.
2. Refer to Figure 3 & 5. Connect the output terminals
1(-) & 2 (+) to the desired meter on computer. Be sure to
observe polarity.
Operation will commence when power is applied to the
Transmitter. The output signal is initialized to 4 mA when
operating power is applied or when the reset switch (R) on
Switch 1 is moved to ON and then OFF.
Ramp Mode Transfer Function
R Rainfall in Inches
I Loop Current in Milliamperes
R = (I - 4mA) / 16 Formula 1
Ramp Mode
Select by moving switch 2 to off position. The loop current
from the Transmitter in ramp mode increases in a staircase
like manner, 1% for each .01 inch of rain. See Figure 7.
When 1 inch of rainfall is accumulated (output signal is 20
mA), the output resets to 4 mA. Thus each step in the
current represents 1/100 inch of rainfall.
Rain Detector Mode
Select by moving switch 2 to on position. This mode is
intended to provide a signal to inhibit a machine or
process when rain is detected. Each tip of the rain gage
bucket causes the transmitter to output full scale output for
a period of time from 1 to 80 minutes. The timer is
retriggerable so that a new time period begins at each tip
of the bucket. See Figure 8. See Figure 9. and calibration
instructions for adjusting time period.
1 6
1 2
2 0
C u r r e n t
L o o p
m A
T o ta l R a in f a ll
I n c h e s
Graph Ramp Mode Rainfall
Transfer Function