Mount the servos in the
servo tray. Use the M3x12
allen screw with stop nuts.
Use the 3mm washer on top
of the servo. Do NOT use
the rubber soft mounts.
Tighten the servos ROCK
HARD to the phenolic
servo tray.
Now insert the rubber soft
mounts into the outer
mounting holes of the
phenolic servo tray.
Then plug the servos into
your receiver and center
them precisely. Now glue
the extension servo arms to
the servo discs. Use CA
glue. Steel rulers laid on the
servo horns help to allign
them BEFORE you glue
them on. All servos center
slightly different. You
MUST center the servos
first before you glue the
horns on. The horns must be
100% parallel. Then take
the disc of the rear servo off
and glue the second long
horn from the bottom side
of the servo disk.
Aileron Servo Setup