Here are some additional photos without further comments, how I
set up my last prototype. These are just ideas, but most important
is, that all heavy equippment must be as far forward as possible.
The long tail and the huge stab, with all their advantages, ask
their tribute...
Install all batteries in the cowling area.
I recommend to use tuned pipes to have the performance you
expect. See the photos also for possible and simple pipe mount-
the adjustable wing and stab mount should be fixed permanently,
when you are satisfied with the adjustments during the first
flights. Especially I do not trust the carbon thread for more than a
few hours of engine vibration, so after you set the incidence
perfectly, fill the outer area of the hole with Silicon. this still
allows to get it off one day, and readjust, if needed.
This wing and stab adjustment system is still in an experimental
stage, and I would appreciate any comments about the efficiency
and performance, as well as about any occuring problems right
Have fun with your Yak!!!