Attention !
This ‘Giant Scale’ aerobatic aircraft is a high-end product and can create an enormous risk for
both pilot and spectators, if not handled with care, and used according to the instructions. Make
sure that you operate your Pitts S12 according to the AMA rules, or those laws and regulations
governing model flying in the country of use.
The engine, servos and control surfaces have to be attached properly. Please use only the
recommended engines, servos, propellers, and accessories. Make sure that the ‘Centre of
Gravity’ is located in the recommended place. Use the nose heavy end of the CG range for your
first flights. A tail heavy plane, in a first flight, can be an enormous danger for you and all spec-
tators. Fix any weights, and heavy items like batteries, very securely into the plane.
Make sure that the plane is secured properly when you start up the engine. Have a helper hold
your plane from the tail end or from behind the wing tips before you start the engine. Make sure
that all spectators are behind, or far in front, of the aircraft when running up the engine.
Make sure that you range check your R/C system thoroughly before the 1st flight. It is absolute-
ly necessary to range check your complete R/C installation first WITHOUT the engine running.
Leave the transmitter antenna retracted, and check the distance you can walk before ‘fail-safe’
occurs. Then start up the engine, run it at about
half throttle and repeat this range check with the
engine running. Make sure that there is no range
reduction before ‘fail-safe’ occurs. Only then
make the 1st flight. If the range with engine run-
ning is less then with the engine off, please con-
tact the radio supplier/engine manufacturer and
DON’T FLY at that time.
Check for vibrations through the whole throttle
range. The engine should run smoothly with no
unusual vibration. If you think that there are any
excessive vibrations at any engine rpm’s, DON’T
FLY at this time and check your engine, spinner
and propeller for proper balancing. The lightweight sandwich composite parts don’t like too much
vibration and they can suffer damage. The low mass of all the parts results in a low physical iner-
tia, so that any excess vibrations can affect the servos and linkages.
Make sure that your wing and stab spar tubes are not damaged. Check that the anti-rotation
dowels for the wings are not loose. Check that the plastic wing retaining nuts are tight, as well
as the M6 x 30mm that secure the top wings to the centre section, and the M3 bolts retaining the
horizontal stabilisers onto the carbon tube are tight. Check that all 3 hinge tubes in the stabs are
secured with clear tape, or equivalent, and cannot come out in flight.
Please don’t ignore our warnings, or those provided by other manufacturers. They refer to things
and processes which, if ignored, could result in permanent damage or fatal injury.
Composite-ARF Pitts S12
NO !!!
Secure the plane
before starting
the engine.