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Edge 540/2.6m
You have acquired a kit, which can be assembled into a fully working R/C model when fitted out with suitable
accessories, as described in the instruction manual with the kit. However, as manufacturers, we at Composite-ARF
are not in a position to influence the way you build and operate your model, and we have no control over the
methods you use to install, operate and maintain the radio control system components. For this reason we are
obliged to deny all liability for loss, damage or costs which are incurred due to the incompetent or incorrect
application and operation of our products, or which are connected with such operation in any way. Unless
otherwise prescribed by binding law, the obligation of the Composite-ARF company to pay compensation is
excluded, regardless of the legal argument employed. This applies to personal injury, death, damage to buildings,
loss of turnover and business, interruption of business or other direct and indirect consequent damages. In all
circumstances our total liability is limited to the amount which you actually paid for this model.
It is important to understand that Composite-ARF Co., Ltd, is unable to monitor whether you follow the instructions
contained in this instruction manual regarding the construction, operation and maintenance of the aircraft, nor
whether you install and use the radio control system correctly. For this reason we at Composite-ARF are unable to
guarantee or provide a contractual agreement with any individual or company that the model you have made will
function correctly and safely. You, as operator of the model, must rely upon your own expertise and judgement in
acquiring and operating this model.
Personal safety:
There are couple of things that are good to keep in mind when you are assembling your Edge 540. Some of them
are common sense, but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded. While you are working with tools and sharp implements, be
aware of others around you and the environment you are working it. Always wear eye protection, and when working
with solvents and glues, keep your area ventilated. When cutting or sanding materials, always wear a face mask to
avoid inhaling particles. Keep your work environment clean and tidy at all times. A clean workshop will enhance the
experience. Protect all parts from scratches and dents. Use rubber matting on your bench, and be careful of
components like screws getting between the part you are working on and the bench.
Assembly process:
This assembly manual is set out in an order that simplifies the process. Each step is in an order that leads into the
next. You may wish to change and do some things in a different order, which is fine provided you keep in mind that
some things need to be done before some others. The cowl for instance must be completely assembled and fitted
to the fuselage before the engine can be fitted. It’s important that the engine position is measured from the
completed cowl.
When planning out the installation of your components, always keep the centre of gravity location in mind. The C of
G is 140mm from the leading edge of the wing. As the leading edge is straight, where you measure from is up to
you, but from the tip is sometimes easiest. If you plan ahead you can avoid having to add weight to your model. It is
far easier to remedy a nose heavy model than a tail heavy model. A few grams of lead at the rear is preferable to
hundreds of grams in the nose! You will find that it is easiest to fit items that cannot be relocated, like aileron and
elevator servos, before you do a preliminary C of G check. Rudder servo(s), RX and ignition batteries etc can
generally be relocated to suit your requirements.
Most of all, enjoy the process of creating your new Composite Arf Edge 540, a job well done is always satisfying!
Liability Exclusions
Things that are handy to know